Apple has always been the technology of the fresh-faced youths of today.
The notoriously liberal and youth-centric company takes great pride in comparing itself with its competitors.
The “I’m a Mac” commercials depicted Mac users as young and progressive, and PC users as older and
out of touch.
Technology conglomerate Koch Industries agreed to buy Molex, an Apple supplier, for $7.2 billion last week. Koch Industries, the second largest private company in America, would run the electronics company as one of many independent
This wouldn’t be a big deal, but the Koch brothers have waged a donation war against President Barack Obama and progressive causes for years.
Americans for Prosperity, a conservative advocacy group funded by the Koch brothers, released numerous ads this summer defaming the
Affordable Care Act.
In 2010, Greenpeace stated that Koch Industries is a “kingpin of climate science denial and clean energy opposition.” The libertarian Koch brothers David and Charles may now have connections with Apple, a supposed leader in sustainability.
Where does this put Apple’s consumers now? Apple is known for its loyal fan base, but what will happen when they have to choose between a product and company politics? With every purchase of an Apple product, consumers are inadvertently putting money in the Koch brothers’ pockets.
What is Apple to do? There is always the option of changing suppliers, but in doing so it risks the integrity of its product.
Perhaps more important than its progressive brand is Apple’s tendency for perfected products. The company holds its products to high standards, but what about
its image?
Apple and consumers need to make a choice. Can $7.2 billion dollars buy your beliefs?