Daily Digest, Nov. 2 –
It’s the day you’ve all been waiting for. Whether you’ve been anticipating fulfilling your greatest civic duty, or just the end of TV campaign ads, Election Day is upon us. The past few months’ coverage of the U.S. and state races – particularly the governor’s race – has Minnesotans trying to keep afloat in the sea of debates, candidate profiles and spending and funding analyses. The next wave of Daily election coverage will be appearing online today and in tomorrow’s paper. But, for now, here’s a life raft – in the form of obscure, completely non-election-related news:
Groupon Babies
Groupon, an online coupon site, has started offering two scholarships each year for children of parents who used the site on their first date, the Chicago Tribune reported. “Every day, Groupon helps create tens of thousands of life experiences that wouldn’t have otherwise occurred. Inevitably, a percentage of those experiences lead to the creation of baby humans,” Andrew Mason, Groupon CEO said to the Tribune. “We want to make sure Groupon babies are the smartest babies in the world.” The program, called the Groupspawn Award, requires proof of first date coupon-usage. The company offers a dating assistant at http://grouspawn.com/faq/.
Caught in a pretty bad pun
A man was jailed in southwestern Pennsylvania after robbing a bank near his apartment in what a senior FBI agent called a “pathetic case.” Why? The cash he grabbed included a colorful dye pack that left him, quite literally, “red-handed”, according to the Associated Press.
Burgeoning philanthropists or just really hungry?
Two Philadelphia dentists started a buy-back program to save the teeth of trick-or-treaters, Reuters reported. They will pay $1 for every pound of candy turned in between Nov. 1 and 5, and will allegedly send proceeds to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Daily will follow up to see whether the troops saw any candy-money.