I don’t know whether to be disappointed or appalled by the editorial published in yesterday’s Minnesota Daily titled “No time for moderation.” Not only is the content lifted from broadcast news, but evidently the Daily editorial board doesn’t care what its readers feel or think. How are we, as readers, supposed to believe that your so-called unbiased reporters and newsroom staff are actually reporting the facts and not just your radical views spun to appear as the truth.
Interestingly, the editorial board sits, writes, and criticizes instead of joining thousands of Minnesotans traveling to Louisiana and helping. They blame the “empire” for all of the wrongs in the world. What about personal responsibility? I’m sure they failed to see the newscasts of the New Orleans chief of police stating that they had urged residents to leave their homes after the mandatory evacuation was issued and they refused. I’m sure that they also missed the newscast that stated that the mayors and governors of those cities and states waited until they received federal aid before they acted. Instead they focus on what the New York Times is telling them today.
Maybe the editorial board should stand up for something and not be “handcuffed by politeness.” I suggest they look outside their cushy dorm rooms and, if they can stomach it, look outside the safe state of Minnesota to the world we live in. They call it a bullying empire. Well, I was there. I served my country or as they say ground “away at the most vulnerable around the world.” I watched three of my friends get blown up by a suicide bomber. I saved lives and I took lives, but I assure them that the cause was just. They weren’t born then. Most students at the University weren’t, including me, but have they forgotten the stories of the Holocaust?
Are we going to wait until the lives of 5 million people are taken again and then wonder why our government didn’t help? In addition to World War II, the Revolutionary and Civil wars were opposed. Without those wars they would not have the freedom to write yesterday’s editorial.
This is not an attack. I am just challenging them to look at both sides of the spectrum and remind them that they still serve a diverse student body.
Andrew Davis is a University student. Please send comments to [email protected].