After reading the March 7 Minnesota Daily article, “MSA vote adds to list of U groups who oppose the marriage amendment,” I am very glad that MSA is putting time and energy into addressing this issue. I believe society is built up of individuals, all interdependent on one another in some form or another. Society at large is dependent on the lifestyles individuals lead. The issue of defining marriage is thus very important. This is also an extremely sensitive issue since it is about real relationships.
I personally do not agree with MSA’s suggestions to pressure President Eric Kaler to oppose the marriage amendment. After looking into the marriage amendment issue, I have seen smart and passionate people supporting both viewpoints. There is even published scientific research that supports both sides. With this understood, I personally feel it would be a disservice to the students at the University of Minnesota if the administration took one side. Realizing there are differing intelligent conclusions to be drawn, it may be best for students to find their own decision, rather than pressuring Kaler to advocate a position for the entire University. I believe the University is established for the search of truth, as inscribed on Northrop Auditorium, so let’s not have a one-sided attitude. Let’s instead find what would benefit society best in this issue.