University presidents on Twitter?
According to the Star Tribune, there are only two in Minnesota so far. University of Minnesota Bob Bruininks isn’t one of them. Yet? From the Strib:
The University of Minnesota is all over Twitter. Dozens of staffers update hourly. But their president, Robert Bruininks, remains tweet-less.
He has an iPhone and is "still considering it," said U spokesman Daniel Wolter. But there’s a barrier: time. "That’s been our concern — making the time to have a meaningful presence."
Gustavus Adolphus College President Jack Ohle (@GustiePrez) and Augsburg College President Paul Pribbenow (@PaulPribbenow) are the two Minnesota-tweeters.
Ohio State University President Gordon Gee tweets (@presidentgee) and so does UW-Madison Chancellor Biddy Martin (@Biddy_Martin). Former U president Mark Yudof, now leading the University of California system, updates multiple times a day (@mark_yudof).
So what do university presidents tweet?
A lot of it is campus related: where they are, what they’re doing, whose on campus, what team won which game. Yudof gets a little more personal — he posted a link to a Super Bowl ad — but generally uses the 140-characters to share news about the UC system and higher education.
Penn State President Graham Spanier seems to have a Twitter-impersonator (@MeanGSpanier). His most recent tweet from Dec. 9: In honor of finals week I decided to not shovel the sidewalks on campus today so you students could have more fun!