Readers and members of the University of Minnesota community,
Now you can contribute short news updates via Twitter unto our site using the #umn. If you’re on campus and notice something newsworthy and wanna share it, just include the #umn hash tag within your tweet and it will appear within our new Campus Tweets section.
Our reporters will also be contributing, but this is your chance to be a minireporter for the Daily’s website. Help us out by participating. Also, if you are more of a sports fan, you can tweet about the Gophers sports by using the #gophernation hash tag within the tweet.
The purpose is to have a better informed campus and one that engages in news. You can also follow the updates by sending a tweet that says "track #umn". You will then get updates on anyone using the hash tag. Also, if you are curious about what people are replying to in the Daily’s tweets, you can view our tweets and any tweets that mention mndailynews here.
Hope you take advantage of the opportunity.