My brother Tom Horner is quoted in Katherine Lymn’s article, “Sally’s Saloon and Eatery under scrutiny,” saying, in reference to me, “for many years has been on his own path.” A more accurate reflection of the facts would suggest that rather than being on my “own” path, it’s been a markedly different path than what Tom has chosen.
For instance, as a teenager, I spent my weekends and summers riding horses and shoveling manure at a Burnsville dude ranch; Tom was happy being a city boy and saved his manure-shoveling days for his political career.
In high school, Tom was on student council; I was the class clown.
While I was raising my two sons full-time as a single parent for 17 years, Tom was happily married living in Edina, where he stopped inviting me for family get-togethers because of my different opinions on social issues.
When it was time for me to invest in lakeshore property, I chose one of Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes outside of Willmar. Tom invests his relaxation time and money in Wisconsin lakeshore property.
I spent 30 days in the Ramsey County workhouse for nonthreatening phone calls I made to the commissioner of Minnesota’s Department of Human Rights for what I believe was her failure to protect my civil rights — the rights of a balding white guy. I doubt Tom has ever had so much as a traffic ticket.
I felt my battle against ladies’ night promotions would garner more support from women who were ashamed to be asking for special favors at the bar while demanding equal rights in the courtroom. Tom vehemently opposed my ladies’ night battle from the beginning. I suspect he believes women need special favors.
Tom believes crime numbers are way down and we live in a safe society. I believe Tom is naive and out of touch on that issue.
Tom wants more money for school teachers; I want school teachers to be more accountable with the money they already have.
I wrote Arizona governor Jan Brewer a letter commending her on her wisdom and courage for forging ahead with her state’s illegal immigration enforcement measures. I suspect Tom believes illegal immigrants deserve special favors, as he apparently believes women deserve special favors.
Tom is an impeccable dresser; I like wearing my clothes until they wear out.
I write and sell books that explain the social problems we’re in, how we got here and practical and pragmatic solutions on how we can get out. Tom doesn’t read my books.
Steve Horner, Daily reader