As reported by the Star Tribune and Pioneer Press today, Sen. Norm Coleman’s St. Paul home was vandalized in the past day. His wife, Laurie, noticed a menacing message graffited on her garage early this morning. Coleman’s home joins those of U.S. Reps. Michelle Bachman, John Kline and Jim Ramstad – all Republicans – and Democrats Rep. Keith Ellison and Sen. Amy Klobuchar to have been vandalized between late Tuesday and early Wednesday. “It’s frightening,” Laurie Coleman told the Star Tribune. “It kind of takes your breath away,” she said. “(My daughter) Sarah and I were home alone last night.” And on campus, a recent rash of keyed cars led one of the victims, University of Minnesota professor John Nyman, to believe his two vehicles were keyed because of political bumper stickers on back. Whether or not Nyman’s cars were keyed for political motives, the graffiting of a politican’s home is not a direction modern politics should turn. While the airwaves are filled with negative ads, and debates often become contentious, the American political system has always prided itself in civility among competition. Yes, we bicker and argue, but at the end of the day, we pass power peacefully and obey the elected officials. Targeting the homes and families of these officials does not seem to fall within civility among competition. Thoughts? Comments? I would love to hear them. Mike Rose City editor