The Electric Fetus. You know what it is (Minneapolis’ supreme record shop) and if you’re any sort of half-functioning music lover you probably find it to be pretty kick-ass. It’s a place to peruse the musical stacks old and new, to enjoy in-store performances, to geek out about your favorite bands with knowledgeable staff and even a place to purchase clothing, candy, incense and greetings cards (seriously, I’ll claim it: the best place to buy music and the best place to buy birthday cards). Originated in 1968 by Dan Foley and Ron Korsh, over the years the Electric Fetus has evolved into a true part of Minneapolis culture. The way in which the community joined together to help raise money for the expensive damage caused to the store by a 2009 tornado is a strong testament to Minneapolitan’s love of their local music Mecca. Turns out the respek for our prized record shop extends the beyond Twin Cities. In fact, it turns out that the Fetus is considered one of best places to buy vinyl in the nation. Don’t believe me? Take your complaints up with the Wall Street Journal.