Because of the upcoming renovation of Coffman Union, student organizations and some University services currently located in the union are being relocated to Stadium Village between Dairy Queen and McDonald’s. The cultural centers, New Student Programs, the Campus Involvement Center and the U Card Office are among the groups moving. Keeping these services housed in a single location is the right thing to do, but the new location is not an adequate substitute for the student union.
This temporary location will offer little more than basic services to students. The space is currently one large room that will be divided to accommodate the different groups. Meanwhile, students will lose the areas in Coffman Union used for socializing and studying. With the closing of the Whole Music Club, the Game Room and Coffman Theater, many students will be left with few diversions on campus aside from the Recreation Center or a local watering hole.
When planning a site for relocating services, Coffman Union officials were only looking at half of the union’s role on campus. Until the renovation is completed in the next few years, students will have a harder-than-usual time finding a central location on the Minneapolis campus to kick back and relax.
Coffman relocation plan not adequate
Published August 9, 1999