My dad collects phrases from old movies and uses them in everyday life with absolutely no context at all. When I’m able to decipher the origin of these phrases, I usually stumble across a classic pop culture jewel.
“They usually travel in pairs,” the county sheriff frets over a lone giant boob in my favorite Woody Allen movie “Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex (But Were Afraid to Ask).”
Seven absurd vignettes answer questions like “Are the Findings of Doctors and Clinics Who Do Sexual Research and Experiments Accurate?”
As in most of his earlier films, Allen fills a large portion of the screen time. I prefer this to watching other actors stumble over the perfectly annoying plotlines and dialogue. With the exception of his regular classics like Mia Farrow and Diane Keaton, few actors can treat his scripts with the same sincerity that transforms annoying to delightfully ironic.
Any chance he gets, my dad is ready with, “they usually travel in pairs.”