Every year, the University of Minnesota’s student body leadership — the Minnesota Student Association —changes hands. This year, students at the University will choose from four different president and vice president tickets.
The Minnesota Student Association’s objective is to act as a conduit for relaying student needs and demands to the University administration as well as helping conduct programs that help the entire student body.
While each college has their own student government and other legislative bodies that determine policy, the Minnesota Student Association helps coordinate many of the activities that are essential to student life.
Because of this, we urge students to participate in this year’s election. Students have the opportunity to elect individuals that best represent their views on how to reform our college campus. There are many critical issues at stake — issues ranging from legislation, to robust increases in support for the University’s Aurora Center, to improving the accessibility of campus dining options.
In the past, we have discussed the many issues that plague the MSA culture and structure. We encourage candidates running for MSA offices to address issues of gridlock and partisanship. More importantly, we encourage students to be more active in student government and to vote on issues that are important to them. It is only by making our voices heard that we can strive to make a difference.