First question: Could you finish a Ph.D. program? Answer: Absolutely yes.Β
I believe that βanyone could finish a Ph.D. program. The arcane culture of academia should not dissuade βanyone from attaining the highest academic degree. There is nothing inherently difficult about βthe Ph.D. Anyone who puts in time, energy and effort could easily attain a Ph.D.β
Second question: Should you pursue a Ph.D. program? Answer: It depends on your mission.Β
βA Ph.D.Β is a research degree that prepares researchers, teachers and professors. The Ph.D. is different than the M.D. and J.D., both βof which are professional, practitioner degrees. The M.D. prepares doctors to treat patients, and the βJ.D. prepares lawyers to help clients. However, the Ph.D. prepares researchers to produce original βresearch.β
What are some of the best practices for submitting a Ph.D. application? βBecause the competition is so fierce in most Ph.D. programs, it is essential to prepare and βsubmit the best application dossier, to ensure the highest chances of getting admitted.β
β1. Apply for the professor, not the university

Unlike bachelorβs and masterβs programs, the Ph.D. is an apprenticeship between the student βand their respective advisor. Sure, the Ph.D. entails taking classes, but most of the dissertation βwork is done between the student and the advisor.Β
The Ph.D. student must produce an original βpiece of work that ought to pass the highest scrutiny of the dissertation committee. Therefore, βsuccessful applicants always look to find professors with whom they have similar research βinterests. In the statement of purpose, successful Ph.D. applicants demonstrate a βgoodness of fit between their research interests and the research expertise of the faculty with βwhom they hope to work.β
β2. Get stellar letters of recommendation
The reputation of the Ph.D. applicant is so important to the admission committee, who want to βensure that the student made favorable impressions on previous professors. It is important to ask βfor letters of recommendation from professors who believe in the project of the Ph.D. βapplicant. Generic letters of recommendation, however common they might be, are absolutely βuseless.Β
Successful Ph.D. applicants get personalized letters from professors who believe in their βmission β professors who passionately want the Ph.D. applicant to get admitted. It is βbetter to get a letter of recommendation from a less-known professor who believes in the Ph.D. βapplicant project rather than a generic one from a well-known professor. β
β3. Have excellent academic performance
The Ph.D. applicant is applying to attain the highest academic degree there is in the βworld of academia. Therefore, an aptitude for thinking and writing is essential. This is not to say that the GPA ought to be 4.0. Rather, students must demonstrate serious ability to βunderstand abstract thoughts and to have a wide capacity for theorization. Grades are a βnumerical indication of such abilities.Β
If the GPA of the Ph.D. applicant is low, then that ought βto be explained in the statement of purpose, because grades are not the only metric for academic βaptitude.β
β4. Submit a strongly written writing sample
Because the competition for Ph.D. admission is so fierce, Ph.D. applicants are hereby advised βto submit flawless prose. Even typos are not permitted. Successful Ph.D. applicants showcase their writing abilities in the writing sample, communicating to the admission committee that they possess the writing aptitude required to produce a lengthy Ph.D. dissertation. If the Ph.D. βapplicant has published in academic journals, then they are advised to submit that as a writing βsample. but if they have not been published yet, a well-written thesis often suffices such requirements.β
β5. Get feedback from specialists in the field
Because the Ph.D. application is so critical, it behooves all Ph.D. applicants to solicit editorial βfeedback from readers who have substantive expertise in the field. It is essential to measure the βimpact of the application on professors, who often read and make decisions on such βstatements.Β
Admission committees are looking for specific components when they read an βapplication; such components are often communicated in the requirements of the Ph.D. βprogram. But to ensure that every single requirement is met, the Ph.D. applicant is well-suited βto get reviews from professors.β
My story as a Ph.D. applicant
When I first arrived in the United States as an βimmigrant at age 19, I applied to the βUniversity βof Miami to pursue my βundergraduate education. Although I βsubmitted my application dossier βafter the βdeadline, the University of Miami accepted βmy candidacy, largely because I had a ββgenerous donor behind me who agreed to fund my βeducation in its entirety.Β
From the βperspective of the administration, we international students represent money. While at the βUniversity of Miami, I met many rich students with generous funders. βAdministrations βwere eager to accept us immediately. We βare good for business. β
When I graduated from the University of Miami with my B.A., I applied for βmany βM.A. programs in Ivy League βschools. My application was accepted in βvirtually every βprogram to which I βapplied, again largely due to the money I brought and the diversity I βrepresent.Β
Although I was accepted by Columbia University and many other prestigious βschools, βI eventually chose the University of βPennsylvania Graduate School of Education.β
When I graduated from Penn with an M.A. in education, I contemplated βPh.D. βprograms. From my perspective, since I had a βB.A. from Miami and an M.A. from Penn, I expected βmy application dossier would be competitive. I chose the best Ph.D. education βschools in the βcountry.Β
I was an international student, had two prestigious degrees under my belt, and always ββmaintained excellent academic performance. I was optimistic about my prospects of securing a fully funded Ph.D. program. However, I was rejected βfrom virtually every Ph.D. βprogram to which I βapplied.β
In the second application cycle, I rectified my mistake of only applying to Ivy League schools βand applied to schools in which my chances of admission were high. I was finally accepted at βthe University of βMinnesota, with both a scholarship and a fellowship. The learned lesson from βmy story is to apply as many times as possible to get admission. When the application is βrejected, get feedback from successful applicants on how to rectify the application dossier, then βrevise and resubmit.Β
Abdulrahman Bindamnan is a Ph.D. student at the University of Minnesota and a contributing author for Psychology Today.

Jan 29, 2024 at 9:53 am
Thank you for sharing these insights! As a fellow PhD student at the U, it is so helpful for those considering the process to hear from those who have gone through it – thank you for taking the time! The reason I am commenting is to share that for many (if not most) PhD students, there is nothing easy about going through a PhD. It is difficult for a reason, and very hard for many students to complete. Nationally, there is up to a 51% attrition rate (Young et al., 2019), with half of the students who get accepted (often around 10% of applicants) not finishing. In my program, several have dropped out and/or are taking a leave of absence, and several have failed their comprehensive exams. Even for those who excelled in undergrad and/or grad school, the PhD is mentally grueling and requires a huge amount of commitment and personal sacrifice. Can it be done? Yes. But at a cost – and for many, it won’t be worth it. I encourage anyone reading the article to connect with PhD students in the program(s) they are considering (their information is often on school websites) to get a good sense of whether the 4-8 year commitment will be the best fit for your life and goals. For those who decide “yes,” I wish you the very best of luck! Find a solid support system, know exactly why you are doing it, and you will make it through π