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Minneapolis police shoot and kill man waving a gun

Three officers fired their weapons in a 911 response, according to Minneapolis police chief.
Man suspected of waving a gun killed by police after a foot chase, with three of the four officers firing their guns.
Image by Gabrielle Erenstein
Man suspected of waving a gun killed by police after a foot chase, with three of the four officers firing their guns.

Minneapolis police officers shot and killed a man in response to a 911 call that came in just after 9 p.m. Wednesday night in south Minneapolis, according to Police Chief Brian O’Hara. The Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is investigating the incident.

O’Hara said at a news conference that the call came from the 3000 block of 29th Avenue as multiple people were concerned about a man who was talking to himself and armed with a handgun. 

A second call came in about 16 minutes after the first call from the 3400 block of Hiawatha Avenue. The caller said they saw a man “acting irrationally” and displaying a handgun, according to O’Hara. 

Officers responded to the call and began chasing the suspect on foot, telling the man they were police and ordering him to stop, but the suspect did not comply, the chief said. 

O’Hara said officers gave multiple commands to drop the gun, and when the suspect did not, officers then shot the man. 

Police secured the man’s handgun after the shooting, which appeared to be jammed, according to O’Hara.

The man was taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead, according to O’Hara. 

The chief said four officers responded to the 911 call and three officers fired their weapons. He added he did not know whether the suspect fired his gun, but said the officers’ decision to shoot the man was justified and lawful.

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