Police arrested 11 pro-Palestine protesters who occupied and barricaded a University of Minnesota administration building early Monday evening. A Minnesota Daily reporter wearing a press vest was also briefly detained.
University of Minnesota Police Department (UMPD) entered the building at 5:40 p.m. with “necessary support” from Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office, according to a statement from the University. A crowd of protesters also congregated outside the building’s west entrance by Northrop Mall.
A SAFE-U emergency alert at 4:40 p.m. said protesters restricted access to the building and damaged University property, advising those still within Morrill Hall to safely exit the building if possible. A follow-up alert at 9:11 p.m. said UMPD cleared Morrill Hall.
Protesters barricaded the building with metal tables and chairs, bike racks, wooden pallets and locked the doors with bike locks around 4 p.m. after marching from a rally outside Coffman Union.
Employees were present in the building when the barricades were set up but exited the building after protesters directed them to the unblocked entrance.
University of Minnesota police and Hennepin County officers came through the building’s east entrance at about 5:45 p.m.
Inside the building, door windows were smashed with broken glass on the ground and protesters removed filing cabinets and chairs to build onto the barricades.

Morrill Hall houses University President Rebecca Cunningham’s office and other administrative functions.
Members of the University’s Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapter organized the demonstration, protesting the University’s protest policies and investments in Israel and arms companies.
The protesters renamed the building “Halimy Hall,” for a 19-year-old Palestinian TikTok creator Medo Halimy “who died in August in an apparent Israeli airstrike,” the Associated Press reported.
Sasmit Rahman, a member of SDS present at the demonstration, said the group’s “fight was just” and consequences from the protests are “incomparable compared to the situation in Gaza.” Rahman added the protesters were prepared to stay until their demands were met.
Rahman confirmed 11 protestors are unaccounted for.
Isabel Eguizabal, a member of Young Democratic-Socialists of America (YDSA), said her group chose to not partake in the occupation due to concern over logistics but commends the bravery.
“This will concretely not win divestment,” Eguizabal said. “We need a long and sustained campaign.”
Calvin Phillips, vice president of students affairs, watched protesters from a bench at the rally and later followed the crowd with other administrative staff as they marched to Morrill Hall. Phillips said he was watching the protest.
The University reached an agreement in May with the University of Minnesota Divestment Coalition, consisting of SDS, YDSA and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) to disclose its investments in Israel. The University recently committed to sponsor tuition for three Gazan students in the spring semester.
A post on SDS’ Instagram page late last week described the protest as a “No homecoming as usual” march from Coffman Union to McNamara Alumni Center.
The group changed the protest’s focus to conditions in Northern Gaza, writing “While Northern Gaza burns, (University) administration is worried about chalk and megaphones.”
Before fall semester, the University consolidated its guidelines for protests, including limiting participation to 100 people and allowing no more than one bullhorn.
This is a developing story. Check back for updates.
Oct 28, 2024 at 7:45 am
@AD – you didn’t understand. My comment about “that’s not how it works” refers to you exaggerating (yet somehow also minimizing) information the U of Mn shared with MPR and then expecting people take you seriously.
The MPR article very clearly explains that, according to the U, millions of U of Mn endowment money is directly connected to defense contractors and companies that manufacture tanks used in Israel. It sounds like you’re a-okay will all that so just go ahead and say so, don’t try tell the rest of us it’s not a big deal. That’s…not how it works.
@Tom – you think so? Fabulous! That means you won’t bother coming back here to contribute more ugly words because you’re too busy being intelligent somewhere else.
Oct 25, 2024 at 2:34 pm
Consider that you are not an intelligent person.
Oct 25, 2024 at 1:39 pm
@Tern Ignoring information because it was reported by MPR? Alright, feel free to enlighten us on “how it works” since you’re dismissive of both data and rational thought. I’m very interested in learning how divesting billions from passive index funds in order to sell ~2.4 million worth of investments in random public Israeli companies is going to have any impact whatsoever on the war.
Oct 25, 2024 at 8:34 am
Oh, an MPR article, you say?? Between you and the person recommending Noa Tishby, your self-righteousness does not match your source of information. You add exaggeration, top it off with a few sentences about how it’s a tiny amount that really doesn’t mean or do anything and expect others to find you credible. That’s…not how it works.
Oct 24, 2024 at 1:34 pm
I was exaggerating but there is an MPR article with a breakdown of investments linked to Israel that I can’t link to but you can find with a search.
It is .11% of the endowment invested in Israeli companies. And 100% of this is through investments in passive index funds. This just means the University owns funds that have a small % of ownership of various public Israeli companies – none of the money the U invests actually “goes to” Israel or supports the war in any way since buying shares of a company does not transfer any wealth to the company nor the country that company is in.
Oct 24, 2024 at 2:27 am
These protestors are enabling Hamas terrorists. They endangered UMN personnel and damaged property. There should be real consequences: students should be suspended, faculty put on leave, and non-students banned from the campus. All should be fined for the damage and criminal activity should result in jail time. Hamas started the war on October 7, 2023. Israel is fighting a just war against Hamas. Hamas terrorists are using Palestinian civilians as human shields. Hamas terrorists are responsible for all the death and destruction on both sides of the border.
Oct 23, 2024 at 11:00 am
The only radical agenda the protesters are supporting is the call for peace for everyone in the region. It’s not only on Israel to be a part of the solution – it’s everyone’s responsibility to call for peace, whether you’re there in the middle of the destruction or cozy in your MidWestern college classroom. The way to “finish a war” is to stop killing and maiming and bombing. ALL sides in this conflict are being called on to behave humanely, peacefully, respectfully.
Oct 23, 2024 at 9:44 am
its always the burden on Israel to cease destruction and never on Hamas, as Israel is finishing the war started by hamas, they ignore sinwar himself on video stating the intent is to have as many palestinians killed as possible as it adds to the condemnation on Israel, which fits hamas needs, turning the global tide against Israel. These people would rather support a radical muslim agenda that murders lgbtq, own women, suppress freedoms, by supporting hamas? They are the sheep repeating the hamas slogans, chants and what not like good hamas supporters! I’d also add, why are the demands always based on the urge to disarm Israel but never mention also disarming Iran, Houthis or Yemen? Or is the desired intent for these protesters the complete elimination of the only true western democratic nation in the middle east? And thus condemn all left after the deed is done the honor to live in another totalitarian ran muslim nation and all the control that goes with it? The protesters are not there, and they wont live in the aftermath, easy to protest for so called “freedoms” when you have zero skin in the game.
Oct 23, 2024 at 9:35 am
@AD, really? You’re recommending a book written by a wealthy actress who comes from one of the first settler families in Israel?? Your credibility just went into the trash bin.
Oct 23, 2024 at 9:24 am
If only the University would divest the .000002% of its endowment that is tangentially tied to the IDF that will surely put a stop to the protests on campus, from what the students are saying.
btw, how do you, random internet commenter, know it’s .000002%? One of the other demands is transparency because the public doesn’t know where the money really goes. You sound like you know more than most about this. Please share more.
Note: destruction of property is not okay and only fuels the call to crack down as harshly as possible on student protests and free speech.
Matt Taylor
Oct 23, 2024 at 8:58 am
This is not peaceful protesting! They need to be charged and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law along with restitution for the damage done to the University property as well as the cost to clean up the mess they left. Any students involved in this should be expelled.
Minneapolis City Council member Robin Wonsley is an idiot to ask for charges to be dropped. Protesters go to her house and protest and stay away from the University!!!
Oct 22, 2024 at 5:13 pm
I’m so sick of the lame “you care more about property damage than dead kids” argument anytime someone is upset by these idiot kids smashing up a University building or harassing people. Didn’t you get an education at the U? Do you know what a false dichotomy is?
Property damage isn’t going to do anything to stop what’s happening in Gaza and will just further alienate people from your misguided cause. If only the University would divest the .000002% of its endowment that is tangentially tied to the IDF that will surely put a stop to the bombing and we can declare victory!!! So incredibly childish and performative.
I hope these morons are expelled.
Oct 22, 2024 at 1:03 pm
These children are clueless about history and what’s happening in the Middle East. Brainwashed. Genocide is when one group says they are planning to/acts to end a population. This is literally the charter of the terrorist regimes who have been attacking Israel forever. If Israel was intent on a genocide of the Palestinians, it would have happened already. They wouldn’t drop leaflets/text and call the Palestinians to get out of harms way if they were committing genocide. By the way, before Israel started the rescue of their hostages after 10/7, they went to several relief agencies (and neighboring countries) asking for help to move the Gazans to limit casualties. Guess what happened? NOTHING. They didn’t want to help the Gazans, but Israel, of course, did! Pick up a book about the Middle East. Noa Tishby’s book, Israel, is a good place to start.
Oct 22, 2024 at 12:13 pm
Can’t get your own way so turn to violence? Way to take a page from Hamas.
Go to the legislature or the governor.
Divestment is only so effective. If you want policy change in the US, meet with your elected officials.
Oct 22, 2024 at 9:13 am
Last semester, the U caved to the demands of a group of people who used bullying tactics to push an agenda fueled by ignorance-enabled and false propaganda-fueled hate. It can now be seen that this caving has led to intensified bullying and what appears to be patently illegal acts of vandalism and intimidation. One hopes that these people will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and University rules. It will be interesting to see how many of the arrested are actually UMN students.
Oct 22, 2024 at 6:36 am
Interim President Ettinger bent the knee to bullying thugs pushing their false agenda based on ignorance, hatred, and propaganda. The result is now seen to be stepped up bullying tactics by the same forces, ignorant of the facts of what is going on in the Mideast and fueled by hatred based on extremist propaganda. It is time to stand up to these bullies and to let the vast majority of UMN students do what they came here to do – learn.
Spencer White
Oct 21, 2024 at 11:36 pm
No we didn’t. It goes through a review process and hadn’t been approved yet. We manually approve them, so patience is necessary.
Oct 21, 2024 at 11:12 pm
Radical terrorist-enabling protestors have continued to make campus uncomfortable for normal students and faculty. Last year was not happy, with encampments, a disrupted commencement ceremony, and the shooting out of Hillel’s windows. This year, we saw President Cunningham’s inauguration disrupted, Hillel access impeded and now Morrill Hall occupied with damage to the building. This is criminal behavior. For now, thankfully, staff at the building seem to be unharmed.
Some of these “courageous” extremists hid their faces behind keffiyahs and covid masks, but we know who these Hamas-enabling terrorists and anti-Semites are. Calvin Phillips was following the event in person and arrests were made. So, now, let’s see some real consequences.
Ron Alan
Oct 21, 2024 at 10:49 pm
So much for Free Speech – You Fucking Morons. You took down my post and comment.
Oct 21, 2024 at 10:34 pm
It is a moral stance against the horrors of genocidal murder- and the U.S. is supplying the money and bombs to Israel to do this bombing. Don’t support destroying property in Morrill Hall though.
Ron Alan
Oct 21, 2024 at 10:12 pm
Arrest every one of these trespassing terrorist supporting entitled brats!
Ron Alan. Class of 89
Oct 21, 2024 at 8:48 pm
Students are protesting at the U of M because it invests in Israeli companies that fund the genocide as well as weapons companies that make the instruments of war. if you think campus protests are “”cozy”” you have never been arrested at one. if you think property damage is worse than thousands of innocent people being murdered just admit to having no morals and go. free palestine and these amazing students who are willing to risk their academic standing to say this isn’t right.
Oct 21, 2024 at 8:24 pm
Hopefully the antisemites who’ve broken the law stay in jail this time, and aren’t released to terrorize more Jews on campus like they were last semester. Sorry, but assault, vandalism, entrapment, trespassing, harassment, and intimidation aren’t freedom of speech.
Oct 21, 2024 at 7:22 pm
I can’t believe the U of MN has been bombing Gaza. Crazy!
These people are protesting at the U cause it’s comfortable and safe. So brave. They should be protesting their legislators if they actually want to make any sort of an impact. But whatever makes you feel better I guess.
The running mate to one of the major party candidates is literally the governor of your state. Why not protest at the governor’s mansion? Because it’s cozy for you to protest inside your campus.
Lisa Reinhart
Oct 21, 2024 at 6:26 pm
I have no spine and am more concerned about property damage than the 47,000 who have been killed by Israel and the additional 60,000 (most of whom are children) who have starved.
Lisa Reinhart
Oct 21, 2024 at 6:03 pm
These protesters should be expected to pay all the damage that they have done. They should also be arrested for defacing public property. What are you doing?
Why do we put up with this?! Enough is enough
Oct 21, 2024 at 5:55 pm
Not included in this report yet is the backsliding the U has been doing from spring negotiations, including declaring their investments nonpolitical to try to avoid the divestment discussions they promised. Check out umn sds and umn sjp instas for more info.