University of Minnesota Police officers briefly detained Minnesota Daily reporter Tyler Church around 5:45 p.m. on Monday.
Church was covering the Morrill Hall occupation when officers entered the building through the basement tunnels with their weapons drawn. Officers confiscated Church’s backpack, which contains his laptop, schoolwork and reporting notes.
After being released from handcuffs, Church, two other Daily reporters and a reporter from the Minnesota Star Tribune were told to wait in the basement of Morrill Hall by police for three hours before eventually being released through the GopherWay tunnels.

As of 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, 24 hours after his original detainment, Church’s belongings have yet to be returned to him.
Church and the two other Daily reporters present were wearing vests with “PRESS” printed on the front and back in large, bold letters.
Officers on the scene told Church to go to the UMPD public safety office when it opened Tuesday morning, but it was closed. Church was unable to get in contact with anyone from the department about his belongings until after noon on Tuesday.
Officer Josh Betts told Church that his belongings were being held in “safe keeping” until UMPD comes out of lockdown. There was no timetable given for when this lockdown would end.
This is a developing story. Check back for updates.
Richard Turnbull
Oct 24, 2024 at 6:44 am
Look, if there had been one legit terrorist fanatic who actually admires Hamas in that group and engaged in bloody violence, the failure to take that seriously and attempt to stop it would have tarnished the entire procedure. That’s why the police showed up armed and ready. The rest of this – failing to return the journalist’s belongings fast enough – is also serious, but given terrorist acts and school shootings, the police are not taking any chances.
Btw, a tiny fragment of self-rghteous students who no one voted for are not going to run the U’s investment or divestment policies, period.
Betar USA
Oct 23, 2024 at 3:31 pm
We have learned from UNWRA in Gaza that because one wears a vest saying “press” does not mean that one is press. This is justified arrest and all those involved with taking hostages should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Shame on local prosecutors for only charging one protestor at the University of Minnesota after taking hostages, destroying property and disrupting thousands of people.
Now that Jews and decent Americans know that jihadis aren’t charged, we too are aware and will be present and prepared for future disruption. While its seemingly ok for some that this behavior goes unpunished, we are Jews who don’t think its ok. We won’t sit by and allow this.
We demand SJP be banned at U Minnesota. They are student terrorists.
Oct 23, 2024 at 1:05 pm
The freedom of the press is critically important. But what were reporters doing inside the building? I would think trespassing is trespassing…
Concerned Citizen
Oct 23, 2024 at 12:38 pm
UMPD entered the building with their weapons drawn?!
Ridiculous to be arresting and treating students like this…
Clown show “law enforcement”
Dennis Hejhal
Oct 22, 2024 at 9:53 pm
As a longtime U faculty member, I urge UMPD to show some basic common sense and return MnDaily reporter Tyler Church’s stuff as soon as possible. The 90 minute Tuesday lockdown ended at 6:25 PM. Some of us here respect freedom of the press, and appreciate the information – including photos – that MnDaily reporters can provide during troubling events here on this campus. Thank you.
Oct 22, 2024 at 8:31 pm
“until UMPD is out of lockdown” YALL HAVE THE GUNS what are you afraid of . UMPD is seriously so insecure. calling swat AND hennepin county sheriffs for 11 unarmed students sitting in a building. go fight some real crime or something.
Sonali Pahwa
Oct 22, 2024 at 6:21 pm
This violation of press freedom is appalling and unethical. Shame on the UMPD, which we faculty were told was “trained in de-escalation” and less dangerous than MPD.