KATRINA BAILEY: Located on Arlington and Pleasant street, Fraser Hall is getting remodeled for the upcoming 2025 Fall semester.
The building will be used to house 1,000 and 2,000 level chemistry classes.
Construction workers Haley Brennan and Mike Aberathy said the construction process is doing well.
MIKE ABERATHY: “The U has been great to us. Everything has worked out really well. The students has been polite. Give us time to move our materials. I know we block off roads. Nobody has really been too upset.”
BAILEY: The chemistry department already has two buildings, Smith and Kolthoff Hall. These buildings will still be used for research.
The Chemistry Director of Undergraduate Studies Angela Perkins said the new building will open up space for the current buildings and lower student to faculty ratios.
ANGELA PERKINS: “24 students per TA instead of the 28 we have here but we also get a little bit more space per student we pick up and they’re not as crowded and more functional to how we run as labs.”
BAILEY: Perkins said the department is slated to take possession of the building July 7, with classes beginning in it at the start of this upcoming Fall semester.
PERKINS: “The project manager, who’s running the project is on it, she’s, things are moving. They have a schedule.”
BAILEY: The building has five floors with a basement. The bottom floor will consist of a study space, with labs facing the Mississippi River.
Perkins said several classrooms in Smith and Kolthoff were not ADA compliant, but ensures rooms in the new building will be.
The newly remodeled Fraser Hall will keep its historic front with new rooms and spaces in the back.
This is Katrina Bailey with the Minnesota Daily.