On Oct. 21, 2024, the Students for a Democratic Society called a protest to condemn the University of Minnesota administration’s refusal to divest from Israel’s genocide in Gaza. A group of protestors entered Morrill Hall, renamed it Halimy Hall and asked those inside to leave.
This protest was the culmination of the University administration’s lack of meaningful engagement with student activists. In May 2024, student protesters agreed to dismantle the encampment, contingent on the administration’s commitment to negotiate student demands. Since then, the administration has gone back on its word. In August, the University’s Board of Regents passed a resolution refusing to divest from Israel, while President Cunningham introduced draconian protest policies.
Soon after students occupied Halimy Hall, police entered the building and arrested protesters. Eleven protesters (eight students and three alumni) were jailed, held on “probable cause” for more than 36 hours and interrogated. Transgender protesters were misgendered and separated from others.
For two weeks after their release, students were barred from their classes and evicted abruptly and without due process. After preliminary hearings, students were given arbitrary suspensions from one to five semesters and were expected to pay more than $5,500 each in restitution.
After the students’ legal representatives appealed this decision, the Campus Committee for Student Behavior (CCSB) scheduled a hearing for Feb. 21 and 28. The students’ legal team has repeatedly asked for more time to guarantee a fair process. The chair of the hearing panel adamantly denied this request, claiming that the hearings had to be conducted within a month of the pre-hearing.
Yet, when asked to postpone the hearings to March, the chair claimed that March has already been reserved for other hearings!
After the chair resigned (she was asked to recuse herself for documented bias), the Senate Committee on Committees hand-picked a new member for CCSB and made him the chair of the panel. The new chair has published a pro-Israel article that relies heavily on the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) antisemitism index.
As Jewish Voice for Peace has argued, ADL is an Islamophobic and pro-Israel organization that accuses any critique of the Israeli state of antisemitism.
Appointing a new pro-Israel member to CCSB when several existing members could act as panel chair raises doubts about the neutrality of the hearing process. Like his predecessor, the newly appointed chair has denied students more time for the hearing.
This refusal contradicts CCSB rules, which explicitly state that “The appeals procedure shall provide both substantive and procedural fairness for the student or student group alleged to have violated the Student Conduct Code and shall provide for resolution of cases within a reasonable period of time.”
Rushing the hearing is especially unethical because the University of Minnesota Police Department (UMPD) has recently resubmitted the students’ cases to the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Department for criminal charges. This means that the students’ testimonies in the University hearing could be used against them in future criminal hearings. As such, students are forced to be silent, lest they incriminate themselves.
The resubmission of criminal charges shows UMPD and the administration’s lack of concern for students, especially trans students, at a time when executive orders are passed to intentionally put trans people and pro-Palestine activists in danger.
The administration’s sinister actions reveal their deep Islamophobia and their willingness to go above and beyond to criminalize Palestine activism.
The perpetuation of Islamophobic rhetoric in the guise of “safety” and neutrality in Cunningham’s explicit reference to “masked individuals” who threaten the UMN community is echoed by a Department of Public Safety staff, who after a Campus Safety Committee meeting referred to student protesters as those “wearing a face covering that frankly, in the consciousness of America, still probably evokes 9/11 – even though nobody wore one of those during that event.”
This racist and Islamophobic association of keffiyeh — a cultural symbol in the Middle East — with terrorism subjects Muslims (or those who look like Muslims) to deadly violence. Exactly a year before this senate member’s Islamophobic comment, three Muslim students in Vermont were shot for wearing keffiyehs. While the arrested students are not Muslim or Palestinian, they are criminalized for looking like terrorists (wearing keffiyehs) and for their Palestine activism.
The enforcement of harsh disciplinary measures seems to be applied disproportionately to protests against the Israeli state’s genocide in Gaza. Since 1969, there have been multiple building occupations at the University — none of which have received the drastic punishment imposed on the pro-Palestinian liberation protesters in October 2024.
This discrepancy reflects the administration’s Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian bias. It is despicable that UMPD has resubmitted students’ cases for criminal charges at a time when anti-trans, anti-Palestinian and anti-immigrant laws subject student activists to state violence.
The University of Minnesota must pursue a restorative justice approach, postpone the disciplinary hearing to ensure fairness, drop criminal charges and stop perpetuating Islamophobia, anti-Palestinian racism and transphobia.
Sima Shakhsari, Leith Ghuloum, Rahsaan Mahadeo, Christine Harb, and Lana Barkwai are members of the UMN Educators for Justice in Palestine. Jess Sundin is a retired UMN staff, former member of Students for a Democratic Society and mother of a current SDS member.
Feb 28, 2025 at 2:28 am
The comments have thoroughly refuted this hollow Op-Ed, exposing its lies and distortions.
1. The Spring 2024 encampment agreed not to disrupt the commencement ceremony but blatantly violated this agreement, as evident on YouTube.
2. President Cunningham did nothing “draconian”; she simply explained the university’s rules.
3. Opposing the violent seizure of a building is not Islamophobic.
4. Restorative justice is not the reward for violence.
5. If you cause damage, you should pay for it.
6. If you commit a crime, you should face punishment.
7. Hamas is a death cult and true enemy of Islam. Supporting Hamas equates to supporting terrorism.
8. Those who intimidate, harass, and assault—like those who seized Morrill Hall—cannot credibly claim victimhood.
9. Keffiyehs are traditionally worn without covering the face (e.g., Arafat, the Kings of Jordan and Saudi Arabia). Covering your face or wearing a mask typically signals bad intentions or something to hide.
10. President Cunningham’s mention of “masked individuals” is not Islamophobic.
11. There is no evidence suggesting that either the former or current CCSB chair is “pro-Israel.”
12. Shakhsari et al. are intellectually dishonest and betray the trans community’s trust. They are shameful examples of “educators.” Israel is the most progressive place in the Middle East for trans people.
13. Asking for more time to prepare a defense is mere stalling. Five months have passed since the Morrill Hall seizure, and the facts and arguments are well-known.
The perpetrators received ample warning. Now, they should face harsh punishment. Failure to act will only encourage further campus unrest.
Feb 27, 2025 at 12:39 pm
Agree with everything in this article. Anyone who disagrees with it will find themselves in the dustbins of history as the genocidal losers that they are.
Feb 26, 2025 at 10:51 am
The Op-Ed’s authors are mostly connected with the trans community, including Sima Shakhsari, an UMN Associate Professor in GWSS. Shakhsari’s stunning Op-Ed hypocrisy is disturbing and a gross betrayal of the trans community’s trust and Shakhsari’s own UMN GWSS students. Let’s remember, the violent Morrill Hall takeover was intended to force UMN to divest from Israel and ensure ongoing anti-Israel political activity.
The reality is that Israel is the most progressive country in the Middle East regarding LGBTQ+ freedoms. Gay rights in Israel are protected by law; a couple of days ago, an Israeli lower court fined a kindergarten for refusing to accept a child with two mothers and ordered it to accept the child. Israel has prominent gay government ministers and members of parliament. In contrast, the Palestinian territories present a dangerous environment for openly LGBTQ+ individuals.
Let’s consider the situation on the ground. About 90 Palestinians who identify as members of the LGBTQ community currently live as asylum-seekers in Israel. Abu Markhiya, 25, was one of them. But in 2022, he was kidnapped from Israel to the West Bank, where he was gruesomely murdered. We know about it because the murderer proudly recorded his crime in a video and uploaded it to social media. In 2016, Hamas General Mahmoud Ishtiwi was accused of homosexuality, tortured, and murdered; it didn’t help that he was a senior Hamas commander. In 2019, the Palestinian group alQaws for Sexual & Gender Diversity in Palestinian Society (which relocated to Israel for safety concerns) accused the Palestinian Authority (PA) of “prosecution, intimidation, and threats of arrest against members of the Palestinian LGBTQ community.” A PA police spokesperson arrogantly responded that alQaws’ activities are “harmful to the higher values and ideals of Palestinian society” and “unrelated to … Palestinian traditions and customs.” He warned that the PA police would pursue the LGBTQ group to arrest and bring its members to trial.
American LGBTQ+ activists should talk to LGBTQ+ activists in Palestine, not false friends like Shakhsari, to find out for themselves why Gaza and the West Bank are bad for the Palestinian LGBTQ+ community. Palestinian LGBTQ+ individuals in the USA are either paid hacks or woefully ignorant of the real situation in their homeland. If the American LGBTQ+ community is wondering how they would be treated in Gaza and the West Bank, they should consider how the Gazans slaughtered the Israelis on October 7.
Feb 24, 2025 at 9:00 am
The keffiyeh can be, and mostly is, worn without covering the face. See Yassir Arafat, as well as the three students in Vermont who were actually subjected to an Islamophobie attack. The authors of this article wish readers to believe that the remarks about face coverings and terrorism were solely related to the wearing of a keffiyeh, and not to the use of the keffiyeh to hide their identity while taking clearly illegal actions of false imprisonment and destruction of property. Don’t let their clumsy rhetoric confuse you.
Feb 24, 2025 at 8:28 am
This hypocritical and disingenuous Op-Ed aims to mislead a naïve audience into believing that these bullying, abusive, and violent pro-Palestinian agitators—who disrupted our campus last year and again this year—are somehow victims. Forgive me if I don’t shed a tear. Since Hamas’ terrorist genocide in Israel on October 7, 2023, Jewish students at UMN have faced intimidation and threats from extremist pro-Palestinian activists. They have been forced to conceal their religious identity and keep a low profile. In June, Hillel buildings were shot out. In October, a pro-Palestinian demonstration at Hillel led to students sheltering in place, with some advised to stay away altogether. Jewish students have left UMN for safer institutions, while others now question if UMN welcomes them at all. Even non-Jewish persons who support Israel’s fight against terrorism have been harassed.
The Morrill Hall takeover was orchestrated by extremist pro-Palestinian “educators,” who stayed safely on the sidelines, manipulating events, while sending their followers like rabid attack dogs into the building. SDS, which long ago devolved into another arm of extremist Palestinian activism, caused $67,000 in damages. Are you, dear reader, willing to foot the bill? There was also an inherent risk of violence. What if those inside had resisted?
Shakhsari et al. shamelessly slander our President, twisting references to “masked individuals” into accusations of “Islamophobia.” They falsely accuse the former CCSB head of bias due to her opposition to Raz Segal’s candidacy for CHGS head—a wholly unrelated matter. They label the current CCSB head “pro-Israel” based on an eight-year-old scholarly article. This is absurd and desperate.
The most glaring hypocrisy, however, lies with Shakhsari. As a trans individual, Shakhsari knows that Israel is the safest country in the Middle East for LGBTQ+ individuals, offering asylum to those fleeing persecution. In Palestinian territories, LGBTQ+ people face relentless discrimination and violence, often resulting in murder. As Palestinian human rights advocate Bassam Eid puts it: LGBTQ+ advocacy for Palestine is like minks advocating for fur coats.
It is long past time for UMN to enforce real consequences against these campus disruptors.
Feb 23, 2025 at 7:13 pm
To David C,
Did you read the article? I think Sima is arguing that the deep prejudice against pro-Palestinian activists, namely the documented bias of the chair of the hearing panel, the “invoking 9/11” appearance of students wearing Keffiyehs, and a whole other shit list of discrepancies seem to indicate the University is pretty anti-Muslim.
I personally thought the occupation wasn’t a good idea, but that isn’t the point.
Maybe you should focus on accountability of the University too?
Feb 21, 2025 at 6:52 pm
Your victim card has been denied!
I hope you antisemitic terrorists who have assaulted, intimidated, harassed, and discriminated against Jews on campus get every single punishment you deserve!
Just like your Hamas friends, you’re going to have to learn the hard way what “f*ck around, find out” means!
A campus Jew
Bruno Chaouat
Feb 21, 2025 at 5:20 pm
The true enemies of Islam are the Hamas death cult. I do not understand how anyone can be so blind as to not see that the recourse to face hiding echoes memories of fascism and in the US of the KKK. Hizbollah and Hamas are theo-fascist movements that tragically find the support of useful idiots on Western campuses.
Feb 20, 2025 at 6:59 pm
lol no.
You people aren’t special. Restorative justice is a complete joke – especially when these losers won’t even admit they did something wrong.
David C
Feb 20, 2025 at 3:35 pm
Ok. Anyone who questions violently taking over a school office building or thinks it is a bad idea is “Islamophobic”
I am not sure that word means what you think it means.
Specifically, it does mean “bias or hatred toward people and things associated with Islam. “
It does not mean “I can throw tantrums and otherwise do whatever I want with no accountability and no one is allowed to criticize me.”
Just fyi.