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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Cowboys’ Irvin contemplates retirement

Published June 5, 1997

FARMERS BRANCH, Texas (AP) -- Embattled Dallas Cowboys receiver Michael Irvin said Wednesday he's unhappy with his life and is considering retiring from football if he can't rekindle his love for the game. "I...

Tenure armisticemay be at hand

by Jim Martyka
Published June 5, 1997

After almost two years of pain and suffering at the University over tenure on the part of administrators, faculty members and the Board of Regents, the school may now be ready to begin a healing with...

Even the losers get lucky sometimes

Published June 5, 1997

So many gripes, so little time. This is my last column of the year, folks, so I've got to get it all off my chest now or forever hold my peace. I obviously can't do justice here to every topic I didn't...

We need more trash talkers in sports

Published June 5, 1997

About 15 meters short of the finish of Sunday's "World's Fastest Man" race, Canada's Donovan Bailey looked back at the United States' Michael Johnson -- who by that time had been slowed by a pulled quadricep...

Dr. Elmo

Published June 5, 1997

Elmo the imp leapt high in the air to see if the weather was foul or fair. He flew through the sky and over the land, past the Grippedy Gru and the Cavernous Grand! "TODAY," he yelled as he passed the...

Can Silver Charm save horse racing from extinction?

Published June 5, 1997

NEW YORK (AP) -- OK, Silver Charm crosses the finish line first at the Belmont Stakes on Saturday and becomes the 12th horse to win the Triple Crown. Is thoroughbred racing saved? "Oh, I hope so," says...

St. Paul is kidding itself with NHL bid

by By Ron
Published June 5, 1997

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- OK, here's the deal. The NHL is not coming to St. Paul. Never. Won't happen. Forget about it. In fact, here's a safe bet you can make with anyone duped by all the rhetoric that has...

Help-line consultants tackle odd computer problems

by Peter Kauffner
Published June 5, 1997

When it comes to computer questions, the consultants at the University computer help line have heard it all. "We get a lot of unusual requests," said Tony Eischens, a junior in the Institute of Technology...

McVeigh trial shows that system can work

Published June 5, 1997

Many Americans have grown suspicious of the criminal justice system in the past few years. They have watched high-profile cases like the O.J. Simpson murder trial turn into media circuses, where all involved...

Ex-U star Lumpkin is released by Saints

Published June 5, 1997

NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- The New Orleans Saints cut five players on Wednesday, including three veterans and a seventh-round draft pick from last year. Released were wide receiver Haywood Jeffires, defensive...

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