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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

U community reflects on McVeigh trial, verdict

by Jennifer Niemela
Published June 3, 1997

Although it occurred more than two years ago and 700 miles away, the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City stirred reaction at the University when Timothy McVeigh was found guilty...

Regents positions to be voted on in June

by Jim Martyka
Published June 3, 1997

The makeup of the University's governing body, the Board of Regents, could be changed at their June meetings because of a list of nominees forwarded Monday for some of the board's top positions. The Nominating...

Credit card targeted for graduates attracts students

by Robin Huiras
Published June 3, 1997

A joint venture between First USA Bank and the Minnesota Alumni Association has resulted in a credit card designed with University graduates in mind, but the number of student owners is growing. Credit...

U cleans up and uses former industrial sites

by Lynne Kozarek
Published June 3, 1997

Beautiful trees and plants dot the countryside of the University's Landscape Arboretum, but it hasn't always been that way. When the land was donated several years ago, it was a rural dump. It became...

Involvement in Internet’s infancy invaluable

by By Chris
Published June 3, 1997

Back in the days before the world was illuminated by the dazzling glow of the Internet and 'Cyberspace' was just a term thought up by an obscure science fiction writer, and there wasn't a Web address...

IRS delays penalties, grants businesses a learning period

Published June 3, 1997

WASHINGTON (AP) Faced with growing pressure from Congress, the IRS today said it would postpone penalties for another six months on businesses that haven't signed up for electronic deposit of their taxes. Until...

Jazz great Doc Cheatham dies

Published June 3, 1997

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Jazz trumpeter Adolphus "Doc" Cheatham, who played with three generations of artists from Bessie Smith and Cab Calloway to recent up-and-comers, died Monday, two days after performing...

Illini to release Notree from hoops scholarship

Published June 3, 1997

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (AP) -- Bryant Notree said Illinois basketball coach Lon Kruger has agreed to release him from his scholarship. Notree, a former All-State forward from Chicago Simeon High School, is considering...

Food vendor lost contract with Capitol

by Tracy Ellingson
Published June 3, 1997

and Nancy NgoState officials have decided not to renew their contract with ARAMARK Corporation, the company University officials have considered making the school's exclusive food service vendor. The...

Peale family reunion boasts paintings with a rich history

Published June 3, 1997

WASHINGTON (AP) They were named Rembrandt, Rubens, Raphael and Titian but they weren't European artists -- they belonged to a dynasty of American painters descended from Charles Willson Peale. Peale descendants,...

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