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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

MSA raises campaign spending

by Tracy Ellingson
Published February 12, 1997

For the first time, students elected to the Minnesota Student Association can have their positions revoked if they exceed campaign spending limits. The organization voted at its forum Tuesday to allow...

Debate erupts from annoying Mt. Surge

Published February 12, 1997

After months of a dingy, icy, gray and white landscape, the campus finally has seen its first hint of green. Unfortunately, it came in the form of chartreuse paint poured on a mountain of snow in front...

It’s the caliber of students, stupid

Published February 12, 1997

Saying the University struggles with its four-year graduation rate is akin to saying Mulder of "X-files" fame is paranoid. Although the observation may be true, it dramatically understates the nature of...

High turnout and low friction at union polls

by Jennifer Niemela
Published February 12, 1997

Handwritten signs directed professors into the hushed rooms where they were to vote on the first of two days of balloting in the faculty union elections. Election observers quickly compared names and...

Students rate subjects important to them

Published February 11, 1997

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Half of the high school students in a new survey feel less than challenged at school. But that doesn't mean they are eager to take calculus, advanced science or Shakespeare. Instead,...

Professors head to the polls today

by Jennifer Niemela
Published February 11, 1997

Voting begins today in faculty union elections that will determine whether the University will become the nation's largest unionized institution of higher learning. University faculty members will be...

Architecture of West Bank tells a vivid story

by By Patrick
Published February 11, 1997

On the West Bank of the University, the new building for the Carlson School of Management is rising above its surroundings, a capitalist parvenu in the academic groves, a private-sector colossus of green...

New students need counselors

by Douglas Rojas
Published February 11, 1997

Kiaora Bohlool came all the way from Hawaii to Minnesota in the fall of 1994 to live in a completely different environment from the one she knew. Like most of the first-year students facing a large campus...

Program in need of new funds

by Tom Lopez
Published February 11, 1997

A University program dedicated to training students to be better teachers faces an uncertain future if it does not come up with new sources of revenue. Preparing Future Faculty is a Graduate School program...

Hankinson finishes weekend as fan

by Michael Rand
Published February 11, 1997

After playing Friday and Saturday against Northern Michigan at Mariucci Arena, Gophers forward Casey Hankinson made a Sunday trip to a smaller, lesser-known arena. As important as Minnesota's contests...

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