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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Town has tough time selling free land

Published November 18, 1996

LEFORS, Texas (AP) -- Lefors is having trouble even giving its land away. There were 14 winners in a land giveaway put together by the tiny Texas Panhandle town in hopes of boosting its tax base and school...

Gulf War Syndrome needs neutral study

Published November 18, 1996

Gulf War veterans suffering from a wide range of debilitating illnesses have struggled for years to convince the government to examine their possible exposure to chemical agents during the conflict. After...

South Pacific Elmo

Published November 18, 1996

This morning, Elmo's car key twisted off in the door's frozen lock. A jagged metal chunk stuck out of the hole like a fractured bone; Elmo dolefully examined the remainder of the truncated key in his hand....

War on drugs aggravates crime, and inequality

Published November 18, 1996

As Ian Fleming once said, "Prohibition is the trigger of crime." Politicians seem to forget this on the campaign trail, where candidates cry, "I'm tough on crime" and "I'm tough on drugs." As in the time...

Women’s CC 7th at NCAA regionals

by Ryan Schuster
Published November 18, 1996

Cross country isn't supposed to be a contact sport. Try telling that to the Gophers women's coach Gary Wilson. Two Minnesota runners got pushed to the turf Saturday morning during the NCAA District IV...

Freshman performs at legendary level

by Michael Rand
Published November 18, 1996

Steve DeBus said he has no idea who Wally Pipp is. And Gophers hockey coach Doug Woog said that DeBus, the team's starting goalie, does not need to worry about why Pipp's name is important in the context...

U hockey gets share of first

by Michael Rand
Published November 18, 1996

Michigan Tech coach Tim Watters said he saw a marked improvement in his team's play from Saturday's game against Minnesota to Sunday's game. Watters thought Sunday's effort -- a 3-0 loss in which the...

Price tag for coach may be high

by Brian Bakst
Published November 18, 1996

and Joel SawyerUniversity President Nils Hasselmo said Friday that the school will do whatever it takes to attract a top-notch football coach to replace Jim Wacker, who announced his resignation Tuesday. "We're...

Hospital suit filed against U

by Jessica Steeno
Published November 18, 1996

Members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees filed suit against the University in federal court Friday, demanding severance pay when the hospital merges with Fairview Health...

Carlson may tap adviser

by Brian Bakst
Published November 18, 1996

Gov. Arne Carlson is expected today to name McKnight Foundation Executive Vice President Michael O'Keefe as Jean Keffeler's replacement on the Board of Regents. The appointment would come more than two...

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