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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Clothing style doesn’t indicatepromiscuity, prof’s study says

by Bei Hu
Published November 5, 1996

Contrary to popular belief, a victim of sexual assault who wore a short skirt and plunging neckline on a date should not be blamed for instigating the attack, said University professor Kim Johnson. Many...

Polls may stifle voters’ interest

by Tracy Ellingson
Published November 4, 1996

Republican presidential hopeful Bob Dole says he will defy pre-election polls that show him trailing President Clinton, and win this year's election. Poll results, which have gained credibility with the...

Conference deals with end-of-life care

by Lynne Kozarek
Published November 4, 1996

Thomas Mann once said, "A man's dying is more the survivors' affair than his own." Families often face difficult choices when a loved one is dying of a terminal illness, but doctors also face ethical...

The whole world’s a school

by Joe Carlson
Published November 4, 1996

Most people who have volunteered for the Peace Corps say the experience changed their lives, but not many can say it as sincerely as Kevin Burns does. In addition to his eye-opening cultural exposure,...

Forum gives minorities a voice in journalism

by Joe Carlson
Published November 4, 1996

any minorities who find themselves stonewalled when applying for media positions are denied more than jobs -- they're also denied their constitutional rights to free speech, according to the Freedom Forum. The...

Clinton best for advancing educational opportunities

by By Sarah
Published November 4, 1996

This is one of the most important election years in a long time, especially for students. The Democratic Party is moving toward the future and building programs that allow people to move in a positive...

U men’s and women’s swimmers beat UNC

by Ryan Schuster
Published November 4, 1996

After 735 days, little has changed. Almost two years to the day that the Gophers men's and women's swimming and diving teams defeated North Carolina in a season-opening meet, Minnesota repeated history...

Actor and U graduate Arthur Peterson dies

Published November 4, 1996

Arthur Peterson, University graduate and lifetime character actor, died Thursday in Los Angeles, Calif. He was 83. Peterson graduated in 1935 from the University. During a 60-year career in theater, Peterson...

Swiss banks profited from the Holocaust

Published November 4, 1996

Switzerland's notoriously discreet banking establishment has kept its World War II secrets for a long time. A series of investigations over the last few months, however, shines an international spotlight...

U’s four soccer seniors end home career on sour note

by Aaron Kirscht
Published November 4, 1996

There wasn't a cloud in the sky, but still the Evansville Aces managed to rain on the Gophers' farewell party. Minnesota fell to Evansville 2-1 in the last regular season home game for seniors Allison...

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