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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Cam Gordon challenges status quo

Published October 29, 1996

He may lack the name recognition of Ross Perot, but Cam Gordon -- the first member of Minnesota's fledgling Green Party to seek state office -- is generating more excitement among local third-party activists...

Visuals as important as facts on TV

by By Bill
Published October 29, 1996

The Minnesota News Council's indictment of WCCO TV for a series on safety at Northwest Airlines raises important questions about the business influence on news and the nature of truth in a visual culture. The...

U freshmen get first goals of the season against N. Illinois

by Aaron Kirscht
Published October 29, 1996

The Gophers women's soccer team bounced back from a frustrating Friday loss to No. 2 North Carolina with a 3-1 thumping of Northern Illinois Sunday. Minnesota (13-4) jumped out early for a change, scoring...

New bike path is the first link in a chain of events

by Bei Hu
Published October 29, 1996

A new bike path along the University transitway is one of the first steps toward a more cyclist-friendly campus. The 1.5-mile-long, 8-foot-wide thoroughfare will officially open with a ribbon-cutting...

Pairing with Badgers helps Gophers volleyball team

Published October 29, 1996

Tim KlobucharThe score didn't reflect it, but Michigan State actually didn't play all that well in its Saturday night victory over the Gophers. Still, Gophers coach Mike Hebert expected a little more...

Website lets students avoid used-book middleman

by Peter Kauffner
Published October 29, 1996

Students now have yet another option when buying or selling their used textbooks -- the World Wide Web. A newly created website allows students who have access to the Internet to advertise their used...

State endorsements:House District 59B: Rep. Phyllis Kahn

Published October 29, 1996

The University community faces crucial financial, social and environmental needs that require a House representative with experience and dedication to these causes. For 24 years, Rep. Phyllis Kahn, DFL-Minneapolis,...

Senate District 59:Sen. Larry Pogemiller

Published October 29, 1996

Like Rep. Kahn, state Sen. Lawrence Pogemiller has well served the University's interests since 1982. His public approval was evident when he received 72 percent of the vote in 1992. As co-chairman of...

Clinton visits Target Center

by Joel Sawyer
Published October 29, 1996

President Clinton gave a boost to U.S. Sen. Paul Wellstone's tight senatorial campaign on Monday by stumping for the Minnesota incumbent in front of a large partisan crowd at the Target Center. Clinton...

Candidate publishes courtship manifesto

Published October 29, 1996

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) -- If a young man wants to date 26-year-old Heather Ryun, it's not as simple as calling her on the phone. First, he must talk to her father. The two men pray and decide if the suitor...

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