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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Agencies prepare for welfare reform

Published October 8, 1996

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- For the past year, community agencies and churches that serve Hmong, Hispanics, Russians and other immigrants in Minnesota have been encouraging them to apply for U.S. citizenship. Now,...

Republicans eyeball Legislature seat

by Chris Vetter
Published October 8, 1996

Democrat Larry Pogemiller needs to hold onto his seat in the Minnesota Senate if his party hopes to keep its majority in the state Legislature. Several special elections stemming from scandal and resignations...

Yeltsin must pave way for Chernomyrdin

Published October 7, 1996

Russia's political and economic future hinges on the declining health of ailing President Boris Yeltsin. The fiery leader's chronic illness is curtailing his leadership abilities and diminishing confidence...

Cancer pioneer to get award

by Joel Sawyer
Published October 7, 1996

Had B.J. Kennedy been a better math student, he might have become an architect. Instead, the man called the father of oncology by his colleagues is a world-famous University physician, renowned for his...

Experts share research on cell communication

by Michelle Kibiger
Published October 7, 1996

College of Liberal Arts junior Abby Hestness has lupus, a disease that causes her immune system to attack healthy parts of her body. In her case, the lupus has damaged her kidneys beyond repair. Because...

Officials weigh lamprey options

Published October 7, 1996

In Portugal, sea lampreys are worth about $23 a pound and are served with a sauce of blood and vinegar. In Minnesota, they are an unwanted nuisance. University professors at the Minnesota Sea Grant are...

U police sell theft-protection innovation

by Jessica Steeno
Published October 7, 1996

University Police are selling a sticker that might keep people from being permanently separated from their valuables. Tracker Corporation of Toronto makes the stickers, which sell for $5 apiece at the...

MSA committees plan for busy year

by Tracy Ellingson
Published October 7, 1996

Minnesota Student Association member Corey Donovan would like to make a change in his committee's acronym. "I'd like to throw another 'A' into 'AA' -- for Academic Affairs Action Committee," said Donovan,...

U seeks dismissal of $50,000 lawsuit

by Kamariea Forcier
Published October 7, 1996

A man who sustained a permanent injury while working for the University is awaiting a judge's decision as to whether he will go to trial for claims of job discrimination. On Friday, U.S. District Judge...

It’s no walk in the woods

by Andrew Tellijohn
Published October 7, 1996

Tim Crowe stared intently at his compass. After 10 minutes of trekking through waist-high weeds and bristly plants, and a detour around a giant pile of dead trees, he should have been in the right place. The...

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