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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Discontent paves way for Reform Party

by Chris Vetter
Published October 1, 1996

The current Democrat-Republican system has been in place since the United States elected Abraham Lincoln as president. Both parties have kept growing larger and gaining more power. However, a growing...

President of student assembly prioritizes goals for the future

by Sam Black
Published October 1, 1996

"We aren't a sexy organization, but we play an important role and the people who sit on committees enjoy what they do," said Bruce Bomberek, president of the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly. Bomberek,...

Faculty draw closer together to unionize

by Jim Martyka
Published October 1, 1996

Members of two prominent faculty groups discussed their recent decision to work together on the issue of unionization Monday with about 100 faculty members. Executive members of the American Association...

U student dies after long fight with leukemia

by Andrew Tellijohn
Published October 1, 1996

Wesley Whiteside characterized his son as a fighter, someone who would never give up. But even the best fighters face bouts they can't win. On Sept. 2, Che Whiteside, University wrestler and circulation...

Body found near campus

Published October 1, 1996

A man's body was found hanging from a tree with his hands tied behind his back Monday near the Mississippi River, according to a Minneapolis police press release. The body was found near the intersection...

Peru considers pardons for hundreds who claim innocence

Published October 1, 1996

LIMA, Peru (AP) -- Peru's mysterious, hooded anti-terrorism judges have put thousands of people behind bars, not all of them guilty. Finally, after years of complaints, the government is taking an interest...

State finance commissioner to move on

by Kelly Wittman
Published October 1, 1996

The state official who threatened to withhold $6.6 million in state funding from the University this summer will leave her position in mid-October. State Finance Commissioner Laura King is leaving her...

Future depends on faculty unionizing

Published October 1, 1996

If the Board of Regents has its way, tenure as we know it at the University of Minnesota will be a thing of the past. The administration will possess the power to axe whole departments with impunity. It...

U panel discusses Internet censorship

by Andrew Tellijohn
Published October 1, 1996

University students can surf the Internet at will, and this freedom should not change very much in the future. "The policy is at the more extreme end of permissiveness as it relates to free speech," said...

Tenure debate createslose-lose situation

Published October 1, 1996

In the regents' proposed changes to the Faculty Tenure Code and the faculty's subsequent move toward unionization, the University faces a no-win situation. Both the Board of Regents' proposal and the possibility...

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