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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Woman faces charges in gun incident

by Kamariea Forcier
Published June 19, 1996

Jennifer Joan May, a former University employee, was charged with four counts of second-degree assault Tuesday in connection with the shot fired in University President Nils Hasselmo's office June 11. May...

TAs to be funded to create Web pages

by Jessica Steeno
Published June 19, 1996

Students who need information about class requirements may be able to use the World Wide Web by fall quarter to communicate with hard-to-reach teaching assistants. An initiative funded by the Office of...

University mothers milk benefits of nursing room

by Joel Sawyer
Published June 19, 1996

In an effort to accommodate students, faculty and staff members who want to feed breast milk to their newborns, Boynton Health Services has opened a new nursing mothers room in its Women's Clinic. The...

Decency Act ruling fuels censorship debate

by Michelle Kibiger
Published June 19, 1996

Supporters of First Amendment protection for the Internet, both at the University and across the country, won a victory June 12 when a federal district court in Philadelphia struck down the Communications...

Kaczynski indicted in four Unabomber attacks, could face death

Published June 19, 1996

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -- Federal prosecutors charged Theodore Kaczynski in four of the bloodiest Unabomber attacks Tuesday in an indictment calculated to bring the death penalty for the math professor-turned-hermit. A...

Tobacco’s ills have no place in campaign

Published June 19, 1996

It's been more than 30 years since the surgeon general confirmed the ill effects of smoking. Warning labels on cigarette packages have been in place since 1966, and countless medical studies have reached...

Moe investigation complete, decision pending

Published June 19, 1996

ST. PAUL (AP) -- Indictments were likely, although who and why was a secret after a grand jury completed its investigation Tuesday into activities in Minnesota Senate Majority Leader Roger Moe's office. The...

Local Grand Prix hashigh-profit potential

Published June 17, 1996

Auto racing hits the streets of downtown Minneapolis next month, giving spectators the chance to see souped-up Pontiacs, Camaros and Mustangs traverse a 1.6-mile loop at speeds of up to 150 mph. That sounds...

Former U golfer ties for second at U.S. Open

by Matthew Cross
Published June 17, 1996

Former Gophers golfer Tom Lehman shot a five-under-par 65 on Saturday at Oakland Hills Country Club in the U.S. Open. He had the lead going into the final round on Sunday but lost it on the back nine. Lehman...

Faculty members…

by Brian Bakst
Published June 17, 1996

Faculty members, administrators and the Board of Regents agreed Friday that much progress has been made in the tenure review process. But the groups also recognized that revisions to the tenure code...

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