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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Gophers finish 12th at ANNIKA Intercollegiate Invite

by Max Biegert
Published October 5, 2017
Three freshmen led the Gophers in score at the event.
Artist Beth Lipman puts the finishing touches on her new work in Weisman Art Museum on Friday, Sept. 29.  The glass sculpture's height reaches more than halfway up the museum's wall.

History through the looking glass

by Kate Drakulic
Published October 5, 2017
Internationally acclaimed glass artist, Beth Lipman, spoke at the WAM Wednesday night about her newly commissioned installation.
Hannah Doyle and Lindsey Bronson pose for a photo at the Wizard Camp-In on Friday, Sept. 29 at the Science Museum of Minnesota in St. Paul.

Fantastic geeks and where to find them

by Haley Bennett
Published October 5, 2017
This past Friday, you would have found them at the Science Museum of Minnesota, decked out in their blackest robes and pointiest hats, wandering among different wizarding world-themed activities at the museum's first adult Wizard Camp-In.
Gophers forward April Bockin fights for the ball against Purdue at Elizabeth Lyle Robbie Stadium, Sept. 25, 2015.

April Bockin is ‘witty,’ ‘sarcastic’ and Minnesota’s top passer

by Erik Nelson
Published October 5, 2017
The junior forward has nine assists this season, leading the team.
Bohemian Press co-president Olivia Novotny demonstrates print making in the print making studio at Regis West on Wednesday, Oct. 4.

UMN student group Bohemian Press to host resistance-themed printmaking exhibit

by Maddy Folstein
Published October 5, 2017
The campus printmaking collective encourages student art and political activism.
Angus Flanagan hits his drive at the 12th hole during the Gopher Invitational at Windsong Farms Golf Club in Independence, Minnesota on Sunday, Sept. 10.

One of England’s top golf recruits makes fast impact with Minnesota

by Max Biegert
Published October 5, 2017
The former Carris Trophy winner made the lineup and finished first among Minnesota golfers in his first year.

McCarthy: Let’s talk about weather

by Kate McCarthy
Published October 5, 2017
Why do we talk about the weather, and what can we do with it?
Tight end Brandon Lingen is tackled on Saturday, Oct. 22, 2016 at TCF Bank Stadium.

Lingen stays healthy and becomes receiving threat

by Jack Warrick
Published October 5, 2017
Lingen had 31 yards and a touchdown in Saturday's loss to Maryland.
Adriana Moreno Becerril, center, speaks about her missing son through a translator at a University of Minnesota Human Rights Program press briefing on disappearances in northern Mexico at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs on Tuesday, Oct. 3.

University researchers preview testimony on Mexican disappearances

by Michael Achterling
Published October 5, 2017
More than 30,000 individuals have gone missing in Mexico since 2007.

Ababiy: Will the corporate world ever respect our privacy?

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published October 5, 2017
The Equifax data breach is another case of corporate America's disregard for our privacy.

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