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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Doctoral candidate Shiyu Liu explains how microwaves can be used to convert waste material into oil on Thursday, June 22, 2017 at the Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Building in St. Paul.

U center explores a sustainable future

by Max Chao
Published June 23, 2017
For almost 15 years the Center for Biorefining has researched converting waste into resources
Left Improv actors Hannah, and Taha perform an act based on a audiences annoyance with her phone not updating Saturday, June 17, 2017.

The rest is still unscripted: Minneapolis’ distinct improv comedy scene

by Katie Lauer
Published June 22, 2017
The Twin Cities Improv Festival celebrates its 11th year with a five-day event.

Final U budget promises hikes in tuition amid disagreements

by Neha Panigrahy
Published June 21, 2017
Incoming resident tuition will rise 2 percent, while the nonresident, nonreciprocity rate will raise 12.5 percent.

Editorial: Trump logo on shirts isn’t offensive

by Daily Editorial Board
Published June 21, 2017

Censorship has remained a highly controversial topic within our nation and on our campus. Incidents during our last Paint the Bridge event led to conversations about what type of speech is and is not acceptable....

Danny Brown performs his set on Saturday, June 17, 2017 at Eaux Claires in Wisconsin.

Street style: Embodiments of the silent “x” at Eaux Claires

by Katie Lauer and Gunthar Reising
Published June 21, 2017
The fits at this year’s Wisconsin music festival proved as diverse as the show’s lineup.

Editorial: Police must display caution with reporters

by Daily Editorial Board
Published June 21, 2017

Last weekend, thousands of people protested the failure of a jury to charge Officer Jeronimo Yanez for shooting Philando Castile last July. Yanez had charges of manslaughter and public endangerment for...

Column: The tipping point

by Ellen Ailts
Published June 21, 2017
There are many contentious issues within the fight for 15, including tip credits for staff.

Column: Why I hate the Apple Store

by Kate McCarthy
Published June 21, 2017
Confronting oversimplification and adulthood: we all must do things we don’t want to do.

Letter: Response to “Measles show health disparities”

by Kris Ehresmann
Published June 21, 2017

The Minnesota Daily Editorial Board’s piece “Measles show health disparities” (June 14) states, “While it may be easy to blame anti-vaxxers for this outbreak, the infrastructural deficits in healthcare...

Letter: Response to “Teaching licenses method changed”

by U of M Student Chapter and Education Minnesota-Twin Cities
Published June 21, 2017

We, the Education Minnesota Student Chapter at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, CEHD believe that the intentions of the new four-tiered system for licensure are positive, but the execution is insufficient.The...

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