Following president-elect Donald Trump’s election in November, Americans raised concerns over future reproductive health access. Minnesota is viewed as a haven for reproductive health care after...
Deep down, Dylan Salfer always knew he wanted to start his own band.Lead singer and guitarist of the Dylan Salfer Band, Salfer said a lot of artists perform the bare minimum on stage. The older he...
University of Minnesota meal plan prices have been consistently rising for at least the last six years, though the rate at which they increase is lower this year than in the 2023-24 fiscal year.University...
With the upcoming state legislature session looming, University of Minnesota officials are preparing their budget requests in hopes that more money can go toward improving student services and infrastructure...
I trudge down the snow-covered sidewalk on University Avenue, the cold wind cutting like a knife across my face. Icicles are forming on the rims of my glasses. The lenses have fogged up to the point where...
Council Member Emily Koski (Ward 11) joined a crowded mayoral race Wednesday as she announced her campaign to unseat incumbent Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey.Koski, a two-term council member, said in...
The University of Minnesota installed temporary chain link fencing across its Washington Avenue Bridge on Nov. 22 to prevent suicides.The bridge connects the University’s east and west bank campuses...
Several Comstock residents have reached out to FOX 9 reporters regarding multiple rooms that have been experiencing heating issues. FOX 9 reported the problems arose from air trapped in the system when...
St. Paul residents voiced support and concern for Mayor Melvin Carter’s proposed 7.9% property tax levy increase in the 2025 budget during Monday’s Truth in Taxation meeting.The Truth in Taxation...