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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Illustrator John F. Beckmann poses in his studio in north Minneapolis. He and his uncle John collaborated to make the illustrated book titled “38.”

History lessons

by Sarah Harper
Published July 25, 2012
This summer marks the 150th year since the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862. How will you explore this important event in Minnesota history?
Artist Wang Ping holds a thread of flags containing art and poetry over the Mississippi River, made by people along the river, Monday. Ping will be holding her exhibit “Kinship of Rivers” this Saturday at the Soap Factory in Minneapolis. The exhibit is part of the ongoing project joining the Mississippi River and the Yangtze River through collective art and ideas.

Rolling on the river

by Tony
Published July 25, 2012
Inspired by mighty rivers, local artist Wang Ping has embarked on a massive project to bring together the people who live along them.
Art curator Anna Cerniglia, left, founder of Chicago's Johalla Projects, stands with artists Matthew Hoffman and Andrea Jablonski underneath a balloon installation Saturday in the VIP area of the Pitchfork Music Festival in Chicago. Jablonski and Hoffman contributed the two art installations at the festival.

What’s art got to do with it?

by Sarah Harper
Published July 18, 2012
There were two big fine art installations at Pitchfork this year.
Jeff Koons' "Rabbit" featured in the show "This Will Have Been: Art, Love & Politics in the 1980s" at the Walker Art Center. Helen Molesworth considered this one of the centerpieces of the exhibit.

I love the ’80s

by Tony
Published July 3, 2012
The Walker’s new exhibit resists nostalgia to explore the struggles of a tumultuous, transitional decade.

State of the arts

by Sarah Harper
Published June 27, 2012
What is Minnesota art? The Weisman Art Museum starts to answer that question in its new exhibit.
Photographer Cig Harvey talks about her photo exhibit, "You Look at Me Like an Emergency," on Friday at the Minneapolis Photo Center.

Photographic Memory

by Tony
Published June 24, 2012
Using bright photographs and evocative writing, Cig Harvey tells the story of her relationships.
Illustrator and graphic designer Kelly Abeln holds her cat, Pebbles, on Friday in her home studio in south Minneapolis, where she creates pieces by hand and by computer for the online magazine Rookie.

Kelly Abeln: An illustrator for teenage girls

by Sarah Harper
Published June 13, 2012
Get to know Kelly Abeln, a local artist, designer and illustrator whose playful, pro-girl work can be found all over the Internet.
Brian Szott, head of collections at the Minnesota Historical Society, shows paintings from the Public Works of Art Project onThursday in the History Center archives.

New Deal, new zeal

by Tony
Published June 11, 2012
History books have all but forgotten most of the Minnesota artists in ‘1934,’ but their stories encapsulate America’s regionalist renaissance.
Minneapolis biographer Antonia Felix will be releasing her first novel “Fatal Remedy”. The book launch will take place Saturdayat the Bryant-Lake Bowl.

Fatal attraction

by Tony
Published June 6, 2012
Minneapolis author Antonia Felix has been paying the bills for years with her bestselling political biographies. Now, she's following her passion by breaking into fiction.

The Gopher’s Guide to Northern Spark

by Sarah Harper
Published June 6, 2012
University of Minnesota students, grads and faculty will be art stars at the Northern Spark festival, now in its second year.

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