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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Comedian Shane Mauss will perform at Acme Comedy Company on Tuesday. He's touring behind his latest special, "A Good Trip."

Getting the giggles

by Jared Hemming
Published April 5, 2016
With "A Good Trip," comedian Shane Mauss talks psychedelics at Acme Comedy Company.
Tommy Ryman

Up close and personal

by Austen Macalus
Published March 31, 2016
Local comedian Tommy Ryman performs at the Joke Joint this weekend.
The cast of Shakespeare's King Henry VI run through a dress rehearsal at the Rarig Center on Monday night. The play opens March 30 and runs through April 4.

400 years later, Henry VI restaged

by Austen Macalus
Published March 29, 2016
The University’s BFA actors will stage the political tumult of Shakespeare’s celebrated “Henry VI” at Rarig Center.
Local sketch comedy group LESTARIL works on an upcoming video on Sunday.

Sketch in the city

by Austen Macalus
Published March 22, 2016
Video sketch comedy is on the rise in Minneapolis.

Comedy and controversy

by Austen Macalus
Published March 10, 2016
With his blog, local comedian Justin Colucci revels in stirring things up.
Sandra Struthers as Actress 1, John Catron as Actor, and Charity Jones as Actress 2 in The Critic, showing February 23-March 27, 2016 on the McGuire Proscenium Stage at the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis.

Two critical

by Danylo Loutchko
Published February 23, 2016
Back-to-back satirical one-act plays, “The Critic” and “The Real Inspector Hound,” open at the Guthrie this weekend.
Local comedian Robert Fones performs at an open mic at the Comedy Corner Underground on West Bank on Friday night.

Humor with humility

by Austen Macalus
Published February 23, 2016
Local comedian Robert Fones brings his down-to-earth style to the Comedy Corner Underground.
Actresses, left to right, Noa Beckham-Chasnoff, Simone Williams, Holo Lue Choy, Atlee Jensen, Alyssa DiVirgilio, and Jillian Duffy of GIRL Theatre rehearse "Into the Red" in the Bryant Lake Bowl & Theatre on Tuesday afternoon. "Into the Red" premieres Thursday Feb 18 and will run until February 27.

‘What womanhood is’

by Austen Macalus
Published February 18, 2016
High school seniors Scarlett Thompson and Alexandra Hatch produce their first GIRL Theater show.
Left to right, Paul Rutledge, Paul LaNave and Spencer H. Levin.

‘Deceptively simple’

by Austen Macalus
Published February 16, 2016
Directing “The Aliens,” John Heimbuch searches for meaning in the ordinary.
The Jungle Theatre's interpretation of Shakespeare's "The Two Gentleman Of Verona," runs from Feb. 12- March 27.

The gentlewomen of the Jungle

by Danylo Loutchko
Published February 11, 2016
An all-female production of Shakespeare’s “The Two Gentlemen of Verona” opens Friday.

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