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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Buddy Holly is back

Buddy Holly is back

by Martina Marosi
Published April 28, 2011
The History Theatre puts on its own cozy revival of “the Buddy Holly Story.”
The cast, clockwise from left: Kelvin Hatle, Tim Uren, Courtney McLean, phillip andrew, bennet low, Sharon Stiteler

Arlo(w) Profile

by Martina Marosi
Published April 28, 2011
Local performance troupe Theatre Arlo puts their own economical spin on the Guthrie season.
Dennis W. Spears plays Nat King Cole in "I Wish You Love"

Get your kicks on North Kent Street

by Carter Haaland
Published April 21, 2011
Playwright Dominic Taylor celebrates the life and music of Nat King Cole—the first African American to be welcomed into the living room of white America.
Lee Poulis as Heathcliffe an  Sara Jakubiak as Catherine emote as much Bernard Herrmann's work will allow.

The highs and lows of “Wuthering Heights”

by Andrew Penkalski
Published April 21, 2011
The Minnesota Opera takes on the grand emotions in Bernard Herrmann’s Brontë interpretation
Party of two

Party of two

by Martina Marosi
Published April 21, 2011
“Girls Only: The Secret Comedy of Women” is only for certain types of girls.
Read my lips

Read my lips

by Martina Marosi
Published April 14, 2011
A campus group puts on their second annual performance of Eve Ensler’s “Vagina Monologues”
Q&A with Chuck Klosterman

Q&A with Chuck Klosterman

by Raghav Mehta
Published April 14, 2011
The bespectacled pop culture savant will be the featured guest for the second installment of Fitzgerald Theater's "Wits" series.
Brianna Wegner powders her face during the dress rehearsal of Strauss’ Die Fledermaus Tuesday night in Ted Mann Concert Hall.

Students bring Golden Age Hollywood to opera’s stage

by Martina Marosi
Published April 7, 2011
The director's adaptation of a 19th century Strauss operetta opens Thursday night.
Comedy geek Patton Oswalt will be the featured guest for this season's first installment of the "Wits" series

Wits at the fitz

by Raghav Mehta
Published March 24, 2011
This year’s “Wits” series features big-ticket names like Chuck Klosterman, Patton Oswalt and Neil Gaiman.

Something is rotten in the State of Denmark

by Carter Haaland
Published March 24, 2011
Director Matt Sciple tries his hand at directing the Bard’s masterpiece, Hamlet.

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