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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


A&E Recommends

Published April 17, 2008

>Clinic Album: Do It Label: Domino There was a small sect of people that took the mixture of Eastern oms, acid tabs and fringed vests that invaded the '60s and managed not to convert them into peace,...

Diva resurgence

Published April 17, 2008

Didn't you hear? The catfight is so hot right now - what with that video of those Miami cheerleaders beating each other up and da-da-da-da-da. It's, like, totally awesome to watch hot chicks butting heads....

Bring back the running man

by Justin Flower
Published April 10, 2008
Get rid of R.E.M.

In the shadows of SXSW

Published April 3, 2008
Vampire Hands wants you to download their music and go to their show.

Frying up some soul food

by John Sand
Published April 3, 2008
Memphis band Skillet may be far from its starting place, but it's never too far from its faith.

Rock ‘n’ rollin’ on the river

Published March 27, 2008
An overview of the West Bank's most rock-centric locales

Spring break jams

by John Sand
Published March 13, 2008
We've skimmed a few hyped albums, and now you'll know what should make its way onto your spring playlist.

Between iPod and K-mart there’s j-rock

by Becky Lang
Published March 13, 2008
When the rock-bird migrated East it found a new flock in the island nation of Japan.

Opening act Health outshines

Published March 6, 2008
Off or on the record, Crystal Castles fails to interest.

An affair to remember

by Jay Boller
Published February 28, 2008
N.Y. power-poppers have a flair for the dramatic and loads of promise.

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