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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Hot tunes for a cold month

Published February 26, 2004
Best of February music.

‘Ere, wot’s oll this, moit?

by Keri Carlson
Published February 19, 2004
The future sound of London, or the greatest cockney rip-off?

Burning like a silver flame

by Keri Carlson
Published February 12, 2004
M. Ward sees little difference when it comes to old and new ideas of love.

No future for you

by Keri Carlson
Published February 12, 2004
Mark Mallman and Ryan Olcott make bleak music for a scary time.

Up to the highest height

by Greg Corradini
Published February 12, 2004
You'll never be as angry as The Kite-Eating Tree.

After dark, my sweet

by Keri Carlson
Published February 5, 2004
Eleni Mandell experiments in different genres with surprisingly good results.

One way or another

by Keri Carlson
Published February 5, 2004
Luke's Angels don't take orders from anyone.

Coming in from the cold

by Keri Carlson
Published January 29, 2004
The best musical moments of January.

Soul survivor

by Keri Carlson
Published January 29, 2004
Betty Lavette still has what it takes to rock the house.

The fur is flying

by Katie Wilber
Published January 29, 2004
Chanhassen Dinner Theatres' presentation of "Cats" befits a legend.

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