With its subterranean location, pillars plastered with gig posters from days of yore, and chalkboard walls and ceilings covered in messages both radical and tongue-in-cheek, the Whole Music Club seems...
“In Waves,” the second studio album by acclaimed British producer Jamie xx, released on Sept. 20, nearly 10 years after the release of his seminal debut, “In Colour.” Subtle yet soulful,...
House venue Como Backdoor is returning from its summer hiatus on Sept. 28 for its first show under new owner Iris Bolton. Bolton is a senior studying electrical engineering at the University of Minnesota....
The most popular songs are not always lyrically deep. Think of “Espresso” by Sabrina Carpenter. The melody is the most important part of the songwriting process, according to MasterClass, a catchy...
When Student Unions & Activities (SUA) announced in August that indie singer-songwriter Indigo De Souza would perform at Coffman Union in October, my first thought was “How?!? Why?!”My friend...
The title of Sabrina Carpenter’s sixth album, “Short n’ Sweet,” describes the record, the artist and the long lasting ache of short but sweet romantic relationships.The album was released on...
Forty bands took the stage behind Palmer’s Bar from July 26 to July 28 as the West Bank dive bar sought to recreate the magic of Woodstock ‘99.On Sunday, a crowd of mostly gray-haired punks covered...
“Y2K!” the debut studio album from New York rapper Ice Spice, is 24 minutes of hard-hitting drilled beats and rapping about butts.Released on July 26, the album has 10 tracks, none of which are...
The Foo Fighters’ first Twin Cities show in over half a decade on Sunday was a masterclass in rock showmanship.Nearly 30 years after the band’s inception, the Foo Fighters delivered a tour-de-force...