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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


The Goondas release “Dog Show”

by Spencer Doar
Published June 19, 2013
The rock ‘n’ roll boys talk about their second album.

Souls of Mischief: the Still Infinity Tour

by Spencer Doar
Published June 19, 2013
Emcee Tajai dishes on the Oaklanders' successes.
Local hip-hop artist Greg Grease preforms at First Avenue on Friday, June 14, 2013.

Greg Grease: Minneapolis rapper on the rise

by Spencer Doar
Published June 19, 2013
A&E cleans up with Greg Grease.
Metric performs live at Rock the Garden on Saturday June 15th, 2013.

Review: Rock the Garden (and Garage) 2013

by Joseph Kleinschmidt
Published June 16, 2013
Saturday’s varied show in the sculpture garden included plenty of drone, radio-friendly hits and a makeshift dance party in the parking garage.
Indie pop band Hot Freaks.

Freaking out

by Joseph Kleinschmidt
Published June 12, 2013
Leo Vondracek of Hot Freaks shares his band’s love of video game soundtracks and Britney Spears.

Space case

by Spencer Doar
Published June 12, 2013
Big Black Delta is the byproduct of Jonathan Bates’ technological tinkering.
Jaime Carrera at a local Mexican market in Minneapolis on Monday. Carrera will be performing at the International Noise Conference at the Hexagon Bar on June 6.

Noise in da ‘hood

by Spencer Doar
Published June 5, 2013
The Minneapolis International Noise Conference aims for diverse eccentricity this year.

Summer block parties in the Twin Cities

by Joseph Kleinschmidt
Published May 29, 2013
Festivus for the rest-of-us: Find the best of the local acts and big names outdoors in A&E’s 2013 guide to summer block parties.
Claps, a local Dark Wave, Post-Punk band play a dark, minimalistic style of synth pop music that is comparable to acts such as New Order and Cold Cave.

CLAPS won’t leave the basement

by Joseph Kleinschmidt
Published May 29, 2013
The synth trio CLAPS details their origins in new wave, the benefits of house shows and breaking down the barriers of electronic music.
Snoop Dogg performs live at Soundset on Sunday, May 26, 2013, at Canterbury Park.

Soundset 2013 rehashed

by Spencer Doar
Published May 27, 2013
A mixture of bangin’, high-fallutin’ and pop hip-hop made a dreary day in Shakopee worth the muddy extremities.

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