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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Arts & Entertainment

The Stress of Her Regard poses at 7th Street Entry on Friday afternoon. The trio are former members of the indie-rock band Idle Hands.

The Stress of Her Regard to play Aria

by Mary Reller
Published March 12, 2015
Local indie-rock band re-invents themselves with half the members and a simpler sound.
Ian Underhill-Cady, right, Max Finch-Raymond, center, and Toivo Hannigan, left, of hip hop group Pseudoubt rehearse in their garage in south Minneapolis on Tuesday. Pseudoubt are one of multiple musical acts within the family of Desoplex Records, an art collective formed by current high school seniors.

The kids are motivated

by Jared Hemming
Published March 12, 2015
Desoplex Records is an independent label and artist collective for music and multimedia — and kids in high school run it.

Building characters: fiction writer Matt Burgess visiting Weisman

by Jared Hemming
Published March 12, 2015
The novelist and Macalester College professor earned his MFA in creative writing at the University of Minnesota
Acoustic musician Sam Cassidy at his home in Minneapolis on Tuesday.

Sam Cassidy to play 7th Street Entry

by Mary Reller
Published March 12, 2015
Sam Cassidy is just a down-to-earth dude here for some rock ‘n roll

Dreams of Next Summer

by Jackie Renzetti
Published March 12, 2015
Al Church and his band perform their first concert at the Turf Club

A Q&A with Matt Flegel of the band Viet Cong

by Jared Hemming
Published March 11, 2015

 Photo by David Waldman   The Alberta, Canada post-punk band Viet Cong is under fire for their controversial name. Singer/bassist Matt Flegel (far right) spoke to A&E about the name.   Since...

The Trylon presents “Made in Berlin” and “The Tiki War”

by Jackie Renzetti
Published March 11, 2015

   This Thursday, March 12th, the Trylon will feature two films from Minneapolis filmmaker John Ervin: “Made in Berlin” and “The Tiki War.”   “[The event]...

Ranelle Johnson, Alex Galle and Nathaniel Bates of Bae Tigre rehearse in their basement practice space on Sunday. Bae Tigre are an indie-electro group from Minneapolis and will be playing a show this Saturday March 14th at the Triple Rock Social Club

Eye of the Tiger

by Grant Tillery
Published March 10, 2015
Bae Tigre’s classical-flecked indie pop roars without falling prey to cinematic tropes
Kindness will play the Triple Rock as part of his first United States tour.

Kindness to perform at the Triple Rock

by Jackie Renzetti
Published March 10, 2015
The indie pop artist talks tour life.

A Q&A with Spencer Tweedy of Tweedy

by Jared Hemming
Published March 9, 2015

(Via MPR)   After over two decades of leading Wilco, the influential indie-rock group known for their Pitchfork-perfect record “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot,” singer/songwriter Jeff Tweedy recorded...

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