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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Arts & Entertainment

JoCo Fusion

by Tony
Published June 13, 2012
The last year has seen internet folk superstar Jonathan Coulton expand his scope, but he’s not leaving his roots behind.
Brian Szott, head of collections at the Minnesota Historical Society, shows paintings from the Public Works of Art Project onThursday in the History Center archives.

New Deal, new zeal

by Tony
Published June 11, 2012
History books have all but forgotten most of the Minnesota artists in ‘1934,’ but their stories encapsulate America’s regionalist renaissance.
Bandmates Joey Kantor, Peter Sieve, Linnea Mohn, Paul Engels, Chris Koza and Luke Anderson practice Sunday at Ferguson Hall. They will perform at Works for Words on Friday at the Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul, Minn.

Words with Friends

by Raghav Mehta
Published June 6, 2012
Chris Koza of Rogue Valley will discuss the role of lyrics in songwriting alongside local darlings Gabriel Douglas, Caroline Smith and Sims in MPR’s forthcoming “Works for Words” program.
Songwriter and musician Kevin Bowe poses for a portrait Saturday.

Bowe’s Jangles

by Raghav Mehta
Published June 6, 2012
Local veteran songwriter and producer Kevin Bowe and his band The Okemah Prophets will be co-headlining the Varsity Theater on Friday with Alison Scott.
Minneapolis biographer Antonia Felix will be releasing her first novel “Fatal Remedy”. The book launch will take place Saturdayat the Bryant-Lake Bowl.

Fatal attraction

by Tony
Published June 6, 2012
Minneapolis author Antonia Felix has been paying the bills for years with her bestselling political biographies. Now, she's following her passion by breaking into fiction.
Local writer and comedian Joseph Scrimshaw performs during Rockstar Storytellers: The Next Level on Sunday at the Bryant- Lake Bowl. Scrimshaw will be back at Bryant-Lake for a live recording of his podcast, “Obsessed”, on Friday.

Obsessed with Obsession

by Tony
Published June 6, 2012
Minneapolis comedy mainstay Joseph Scrimshaw tries his hand at podcasting.
Local band Reina del Cid and the Cidizens will openfor Haley Bonar at Northrop Mall on 7 p.m. Friday.

Reina Del Universidad

by Tony
Published June 6, 2012
U grad Reina del Cid is making the leap from YouTube stardom to live performance.

The Gopher’s Guide to Northern Spark

by Sarah Harper
Published June 6, 2012
University of Minnesota students, grads and faculty will be art stars at the Northern Spark festival, now in its second year.
Visitors browse the bike art installation during the seventh annual Bike Art on Friday at Altered Esthetics in Northeast Minneapolis.

Like a gallery needs a bicycle

by Sarah Harper
Published June 5, 2012
For the seventh year in a row, Minneapolitans are celebrating their favorite thing through art.
Justin Jones rehearses for a performance art installation at the Walker Art Center. Minneapolis-based choreographers Olive Bieringa and Otto Ramstad are inviting the public to come and experience one of the 10-minute one-on-one performances that will take place 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 2 and 3.

Performance Review: “Super Nature” Installation at the Walker

by Tony
Published June 2, 2012
We went back to the Walker to check out the BodyCartography Project’s performance installation/social experiment.

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