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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Arts & Entertainment

The cast, clockwise from left: Kelvin Hatle, Tim Uren, Courtney McLean, phillip andrew, bennet low, Sharon Stiteler

Arlo(w) Profile

by Martina Marosi
Published April 28, 2011
Local performance troupe Theatre Arlo puts their own economical spin on the Guthrie season.
Buddy Holly is back

Buddy Holly is back

by Martina Marosi
Published April 28, 2011
The History Theatre puts on its own cozy revival of “the Buddy Holly Story.”
Elite Gymnastics' James Brooks and Josh Clancy croon over their beats.

The electronic “Elite”

by Andrew Penkalski
Published April 28, 2011
Minneapolis’ Elite Gymnastics is the Twin Cities’ electronic finest. Just don’t expect too much sunshine.
A piece from last year's Art In Bloom exhibit

Spring is no longer in doom

by Carter Haaland
Published April 28, 2011
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts will be transformed into a bursting bouquet of flowers for the 28th annual Art in Bloom exhibit.
No Bird Sing will perform at the Cedar Cultural Center with local cohorts Kristoff Krane and Kill the Vultures

I know why no bird sings

by Raghav Mehta
Published April 28, 2011
Local rap-rock trio No Bird Sing soar to new heights with their sophomore LP “Theft of the Commons.”
DIY pop-stars OK Go have advice for UMN's graduating class: "Be the rowdiest you can be."

Cyberspace cowboys

by Sally Hedberg
Published April 28, 2011
OK Go have a self-made code and a creed to live by, outside of a big record label.
Review: “Helplessness Blues” Fleet Foxes

Review: “Helplessness Blues” Fleet Foxes

by Raghav Mehta
Published April 28, 2011
Fleet Foxes trot towards mediocrity on their sophomore release.
Dennis W. Spears plays Nat King Cole in "I Wish You Love"

Get your kicks on North Kent Street

by Carter Haaland
Published April 21, 2011
Playwright Dominic Taylor celebrates the life and music of Nat King Cole—the first African American to be welcomed into the living room of white America.

All hollowed out

by Raghav Mehta
Published April 21, 2011
Ex-Zombie Season front man Ali Jaafar hits a creative stride with his new goth-pop project Hollow Boys.
War on prejudicial terror

War on prejudicial terror

by Carter Haaland
Published April 21, 2011
Andrea Assaf addresses the post-9/11 America from an Arab American perspective.

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