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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Arts & Entertainment

Comedy's resident cat lady comes to the Guthrie.

Poundstone untied

by Martina Marosi
Published February 24, 2011
Comedy’s resident cat lady comes to the Guthrie.

Mammoth collective

by Grace Gouker
Published February 24, 2011
We are just some huge manatees.
Heavy metal riff raff

Heavy metal riff raff

by Raghav Mehta
Published February 24, 2011
Minneapolis’ newest thrash-metal quartet will be throwing a vinyl release show at the Triple Rock this Saturday.
Cearah Hamilton and her fellow cast members rehearse Four Little Girls: Birmingham 1963 on Saturday at the SteppingStone Theatre.

We dream of real freedom

by Grace Gouker
Published February 17, 2011
African-American history not just another Hallmark February holiday.

Dre pride

by Raghav Mehta
Published February 17, 2011
Ring in the Doc’s 46th birthday at the Triple Rock.
Review: Bright Eyes — "The People's Key"

Review: Bright Eyes — “The People’s Key”

by Raghav Mehta
Published February 17, 2011
The first Bright Eyes album in four years falls short of greatness.
Iraqi and American Reconciliation Project Curator Tricia Khutoretsky sets up artwork Wednesday to be displayed in the “Navigating the Aftermath” collection at the Regis Center for the Arts. The collection focuses on the ongoing struggle in Iraq and will open Friday.

The art of war

by Andrew Penkalski
Published February 17, 2011
The Regis Center’s new exhibition “Navigating the Aftermath,” aims at healing amidst the storm.
Local trio The Color Pharmacy will be playing at Triple Rock Social Club on Friday night.

Over-the-counter rock

by Andrew Penkalski
Published February 17, 2011
Minneapolis rockers The Color Pharmacy drive on big ambition.
Grab your scimitars and bring your mummies

Grab your scimitars and bring your mummies

by Grace Gouker
Published February 17, 2011
2,000-year-old golden child lends his tomb’s goodies to the Twin Cities.

Motörhead’s still göt it

by Martina Marosi
Published February 17, 2011
After the release of its 20th album, the music world’s favorite umlaut is back.

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