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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Arts & Entertainment

The Icelandic son

by Raghav Mehta
Published January 27, 2011
The Icelandic multi-instrumentalist is bringing his neo-classical spectacle to the Cedar.

Heroes and villains

by Tony Libera
Published January 27, 2011
DC lends its characters to the MMORPG in "DC Universe Online."

CD Roundup — Destroyer, Iron & Wine

by Andrew Penkalski
Published January 27, 2011
Two surreal rockers set the pace for 2011.
“Balls” not so in your face

“Balls” not so in your face

by Marty Marosi
Published January 27, 2011
Big on name and short on censorship, local cabaret fails to arouse.
Safety in numbers

Safety in numbers

by Raghav Mehta
Published January 27, 2011
The 10-person collective will be bringing their anthemic indie rock to the Ruby Isle CD release show.
A little more than luck

A little more than luck

by Andrew Penkalski
Published January 27, 2011
Karl Unnasch’s “Suspension of This Belief” performance makes SooVAC’s annual gala a more happening place.
The red carpet for rappers

The red carpet for rappers

by Sally Hedberg
Published January 27, 2011
Twin Cities hip-hop’s night to shine.
The Brooklyn-based trio’s signature brand of “joke rap” raised plenty of eyebrows.

Das actually politically correct

by Raghav Mehta
Published January 20, 2011
The enigmatic indie-rap trio will be bringing their jokes, rhymes and beats to the Cave in Northfield.
Stand-up comic Keith Barany demonstrates an ‘advancing hairline’ on Saturday during the Jewish Humor Festival at the Sabes Jewish Community Center.  Barany has written for major television productions such as the Emmy Awards, The Jimmy Kimmel Show and Seinfeld.

Chomedy of the Chosen

by Grace Gouker
Published January 20, 2011
The Sabes Jewish Community Center puts on the second Jewish Humor Festival.
Both Phair's acoustic insight and sex appeal have endured the turn of the millenium.

Our Phair lady

by Sally Hedberg
Published January 20, 2011
Yeah, the ‘90s have passed but Liz Phair’s still got it.

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