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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Arts & Entertainment

Rock ‘n’ rollin’ on the river

Published March 27, 2008
An overview of the West Bank's most rock-centric locales

A destination for theater

Published March 27, 2008
The active and vibrant theater community makes the West Bank a place to be.

Burger Battle

by Justin Flower and Jay Boller
Published March 13, 2008

Throughout human history, many a divisive line has been drawn. Allegiances have formed and faltered, defining who we are as a society and what we stand for. Consider: Allies v. Axis, Row v. Wade, North...

Between iPod and K-mart there’s j-rock

by Becky Lang
Published March 13, 2008
When the rock-bird migrated East it found a new flock in the island nation of Japan.

La vie en noir

by John Sand
Published March 13, 2008
David Shields' new book is heavy on the quotations and even heavier on the life.

Spring break jams

by John Sand
Published March 13, 2008
We've skimmed a few hyped albums, and now you'll know what should make its way onto your spring playlist.

Fresh fish, stale service

Published March 6, 2008
Fuji Ya on Lyndale and Lake stumbles in its service, but soars in its sushi.

Representing Sota-Rico

by Jay Boller
Published March 6, 2008
Local emcee Maria Isa balances heritage, politics and style.

She’s a ‘Dyke to Watch Out For’

by Stephanie Dickrell
Published March 6, 2008
Comic strip and graphic novel writer Alison Bechdel visits the U.

Opening act Health outshines

Published March 6, 2008
Off or on the record, Crystal Castles fails to interest.

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