Facets of the White House Conference on Nutrition provoke a discussion of nutrition insecurity, hunger gaps and food systems to be a larger part of the undergraduate curriculum.
Of the 34 student organizations that applied for funding, 10 received no funding from the University of Minnesota Student Services Fees for the 2022-23 school year.
The University of Minnesota collected Native ancestor remains and associated funerary objects nearly 100 years ago and has since been non-compliant with a federal law requiring the inventory and return of all collections.
Workers who are contracted through entities other than the University of Minnesota do not have to adhere to the same vaccine policy as full-time University workers to be eligible to work.
The resolution requires the University of Minnesota to report term appointments that have continued for more than six years to a task force in an aim to protect academic freedom for term faculty.
Applications for renaming buildings closed Nov. 11, leaving Folwell Hall on the Twin Cities campus with no requests for a new name or to retain its current name.
Professors, students and faculty discuss why Tribal curriculum, faculty and programs are necessary at the University of Minnesota and voice the importance of Native American inclusion in education.
Jason Beddow, who worked for the University of Minnesota, died in 2016 of a fentanyl overdose and is remembered as a caring, loving individual by those around him.