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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Lake it or leave it: a blue economy is here.

Diving into a blue economy with UMN researchers

by Emma Walytka
Published February 12, 2024
A UMN researcher team on Great Lakes ReNEW, a regional innovation engines program, was awarded up to $160 million from the U.S. National Science Foundation.
The Minnesota DNR-Forestry is the biggest and longest-term member of SFEC.

Branching out: The Sustainable Forest Education Cooperative

by Emma Walytka
Published February 9, 2024
The Sustainable Forest Education Cooperative continues education among professionals in natural resources organizations and beyond.
The pricing program is aimed at having clinics be able to give medication for lower prices, if not free.

Looking deeper: behind the scenes of the 340B drug program

by Emma Walytka
Published January 31, 2024
UMN researchers describe the misuse of 340B benefits among larger public health entities.
Researchers warn food labels can be misleading.

UMN researchers say diets are not one size fits all

by Emma Walytka
Published January 24, 2024
Researchers remove the labels from food and dive deeper into diet trends.
Understanding fungi helps research figure out carbon cycling in the soil.

UMN lab studies how dead fungi store carbon

by Emma Walytka
Published January 23, 2024
Dead fungi helps researchers understand carbon cycling in the soil.
The study provided sought advice from Indigenous communities for combating climate change.

Fifth National Climate Assessment shows inequities within Indigenous populations

by Emma Walytka and Alex Lassiter
Published December 1, 2023
In the first major update since 2018, the assessment highlights climate change inequities in low-income communities and the importance of Indigenous voices in finding solutions.
The University of Minnesota campus gates on East Bank, Nov. 12, 2022.

New Cannabis Research Center launched at the University of Minnesota

by Emma Walytka
Published December 1, 2023
Established through the School of Public Health, the center was given $2.5 million in the last legislative session.
The study found that climate change decisions had to be made immediately for trees to absorb the right amount of carbon.

UMN professor involved in international research shows forests could slow climate change

by Henry Stafford
Published November 29, 2023
Nearly one-third of our carbon emissions over the next several decades could be absorbed if forests were allowed to recover from deforestation.
A Stellar's Jay, one of the species being renamed.

The American Ornithological Society considers new names for birds

by Henry Stafford
Published November 15, 2023
New names hope to rectify some of the damage done by offensive current names.
Weedy from the Rec Centers Dispensary in Dinkytown on Monday, July 31, 2023.

UMN medical cannabis study highlights the differences in THC and CBD

by Emma Walytka
Published November 15, 2023
The study uses registered medical cannabis users experiencing pain or a disorder and studies the duration the patient spent taking the drug and its effectiveness.

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