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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Robbery reported on West Bank

Robbery reported on West Bank

by Ethan Fine, Campus Administration Reporter
Published February 21, 2021
A SAFE-U alert reported a robbery in the area on Sunday evening.
Gophers Midfielder Katie Duong launches a pass at Elizabeth Lyle Robbie Stadium on Thursday, Oct. 17. The Gophers went on to a tie game with Nebraska, 1-1.

Gophers soccer gears up to play their first game in over a year

by Julianna Landis
Published February 21, 2021
At 483 days since their last game, the team has been waiting longer than most other athletes to return to competition.
A screenshot from UMPD vehicle footage on Monday, Feb. 1.

Police association requests apology from UMN student following release of UMPD footage

by Ava Thompson
Published February 10, 2021
The request came after UMPD dashcam footage called into question portions of a student’s account.
A screenshot from UMPD vehicle footage on Monday, Feb. 1.

UMPD releases squad car footage in response to incident involving a student leader

by Ava Thompson
Published February 4, 2021
The student alleges that UMPD officers racially profiled him.
The Republic building November 2016 via Google Maps.

Republic bar and restaurant closes with plans to relocate

by Lydia Morrell, City Reporter
Published February 1, 2021
The West Bank restaurant shuttered last November with an uncertain timeline for reopening.
Two people shot at Dinkytown residence Saturday night

Two people shot at Dinkytown residence Saturday night

by Ava Thompson, Campus Activities Reporter
Published January 31, 2021
Minneapolis police responded to a shooting on 6th Street Southease where two people were injured.
Robbery reported in Stadium Village apartment lobby Thursday night

Robbery reported in Stadium Village apartment lobby Thursday night

by Srilekha Garishakurti, Campus Activities Reporter
Published January 28, 2021
A SAFE-U alert reported that the suspects assaulted the victim and took her purse and cell phone.
UMN releases review of campus police

UMN releases review of campus police

by Ava Thompson, Campus Activities Reporter
Published January 26, 2021
The University completed its review of UMPD, with the consultation of Dr. Cedric Alexander, which provides recommendations to “align” policing with community expectations.
Patrick McKee competes at the Maturi Pavilion on Friday, Nov. 1, 2019.

McKee named Big Ten Co-Wrestler of the Week

by Matthew Kennedy, Sports Reporter
Published January 22, 2021
Patrick McKee was awarded the honor after his fantastic performance in a Michigan State tri-meet last Saturday.
Hennepin County Sheriff Dave Hutchinson and administrative assistant Abdi Mohamed discussed safety concerns with local Muslim leaders at Seward neighborhood’s Tawfiq Islamic Center on Tuesday.

Local mosques consider lockdown over inauguration violence fears

by Jasmine Snow
Published January 20, 2021
While local law enforcement does not officially recommend closures, increased caution and vigilance were emphasized at a recent community safety meeting.

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