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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


City adds grant for neighborhood organizations

by Danielle Korby
Published April 22, 2015

The financial relationship between Minneapolis officials and neighborhood organizations has historically been one-sided — the city funds the groups based on neighborhoods’ needs rather than...

West Bank community members seek homeless housing options

by Elizabeth Smith, [email protected]
Published January 22, 2015
City restrictions block efforts to house the area’s growing homeless population.

Students robbed in SE Como and Prospect Park

by Morgan Wolfe
Published January 21, 2015
A repeat offender was also arrested for trespassing over the weekend.

Blueprint for Action raises youth violence concerns

by Nick Wicker
Published January 21, 2015
Cedar-Riverside community members question the results of the seven-year-old plan to prevent youth violence.

Neighborhood groups decry Hodges’ plan

by Ethan Nelson
Published October 30, 2014
Mayor Hodges’ proposal would divert a traditional source of funding from neighborhoods.

University police help bust crime ring

by Nick Wicker
Published September 4, 2014
Four officers worked undercover part time to help with an investigation that led to 20 indictments in August.

Bill to ease money transfers to East Africa

by Kevin Karner
Published September 2, 2014
A federal bill signed last month will streamline oversight of money transfers, but locals involved say problems persist.

As students move out, local program helps salvage items

by Barry Lytton
Published September 2, 2014
Pack & Give Back salvaged almost 70,000 pounds of items last May, organizers said.

5-story hotel prospects look promising

by Taylor Nachtigal
Published August 6, 2014
Some city officials and neighborhood businesses support the plan to build a new hotel in Prospect Park.

Iconic Prospect Park tower to celebrate its 100th year

by Ethan Nelson
Published July 11, 2014

The 110-foot, 150,000-gallon water tower that overlooks Prospect Park will mark its 100th year this weekend. Though the Witch's Hat Water Tower is usually open one day a year, it will be open to the...

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