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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Sarah Mai

Amid fears of recession, UMN students split on economy

by Jasmine Snow
Published December 8, 2019
Forty-six percent of University of Minnesota students in a recent survey rated the state of the U.S. economy as "good."
Students and faculty march towards Morrill Hall as part of the UMN Climate Strike on Friday, Dec. 6. Those in attendance criticized the University’s policies on fossil fuel usage.

U student group: UMN should declare a climate crisis, divest from fossil fuels

by Natalie Rademacher and Abbey Machtig
Published December 8, 2019
During a march last Friday, UMPD barred protesters from entering Morrill Hall.
Ryan Machtmes presents at the Student Senate meeting on Thursday, April 3 in Mondale Hall.

UMN disability student group moves to form Big Ten coalition

by Hana Ikramuddin
Published December 6, 2019
Starting with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the group plans to reach out to other Big Ten universities in the coming weeks.
Sarah Mai

Website for free textbooks at UMN gains attention

by Niamh Coomey
Published December 5, 2019
Pressbooks is used by University faculty to provide open textbooks and educational resources. An unmediated version of the site is being launched this semester.
The Glendale Townhome complex is a 184-unit public housing project owned by the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority and is the only public row-house development left in the U.S.

Some rents could increase for public housing in Prospect Park

by Caitlin Anderson
Published December 5, 2019
The Minneapolis Public Housing Authority may increase flat-rate rents at the Glendale Townhomes.
The Humphrey School of Public Affairs as seen on Thursday, Sept. 19.

Disciplined Humphrey professor still “performing faculty duties”

by Tiffany Bui and Dylan Anderson
Published December 5, 2019
The Minnesota Daily reported previously that James Ron had resigned, according to his faculty mentor, but that he was still a University employee.
Courtesy of M Health Fairview.

New campus MRI machine to expand surgery capability

by Abbey Machtig
Published December 5, 2019
The suite at the M Health Fairview clinic allows surgeons to view their procedures in real time.
Two students study in Seven Corners Coffee Shop, which is owned by Wooddale Church, on Sunday, Nov. 24. (Liam Armstrong / Minnesota Daily).

MN church, which owns West Bank coffee shop, responds to concerns over conversion therapy

by Farrah Mina
Published December 5, 2019
UMN LGBTQ+ students sent an email informing others about the church's potential ties to conversion therapy. The church says it does not support it.
Hailee Schievelbein

Graduate students advocate for changes to intramural sport inclusion

by Emily Sizen
Published December 5, 2019
Only students who pay the Student Services Fee or have a semester RecWell membership can play intramural sports, according to University intramural sports policy.
The site of a developing public park, which the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board plans on buying, located in Prospect Park, as seen on Wednesday, Dec. 4.

New park taking shape in Prospect Park

by Emma Dill
Published December 5, 2019
The park will become the neighborhood’s first public green space north of University Avenue.

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