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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


West Bank LGBTQ+ groups raise awareness about Seven Corners Coffee background

by Farrah Mina
Published November 26, 2019
The coffee shop is run by Wooddale Church, an evangelical Christian church.
Breast pumps and bottles sit on the counter in a lactation space in the McNamara Alumni Center on Saturday, Nov. 23.

UMN works to increase access to lactation spaces on campus

by Farrah Mina
Published November 26, 2019
A University Services Committee is identifying gaps in lactation support on campus buildings.
Hailee Schievelbein

University initiative reviews faculty for community engagement

by Niamh Coomey
Published November 26, 2019
The Review Committee on Community Engaged Scholarship provides an optional review for faculty up for promotion and tenure.
The McDonald's located on the corner of Fourth Street Southeast and 15th Avenue Southeast is seen on Saturday, Aug. 31. The proposed development would replace Mcdonald's as well as other popular businesses such as Dinkytown Wine and Spirits.

Large-scale development presents affordability plans

by Caitlin Anderson
Published November 26, 2019
The project's plan includes 73 affordable bed spaces.
Morgan La Casse

Didn’t get a UMN safety notification? Here’s why.

by Madeline Deninger and Mohamed Ibrahim
Published November 25, 2019
University officials follow federal guidelines when sending campus-wide safety notifications, but some community members say that's not enough.
Mohamed Salad, a student at Augsburg University who sits on the board of the Neighborhood Revitalization Program, hosts a listening session regarding the city’s Africa Village public marketplace on Thursday, Nov. 21.

Cedar-Riverside community members call for greater representation in public market development

by Mohamed Ibrahim
Published November 25, 2019
Residents and community members gathered last week to voice concerns about the potential Africa Village mixed-use development.
Morgan La Casse

Rural residents of color face disparities in receiving preventative care, UMN research shows

by Natalie Cierzan
Published November 25, 2019
Hispanic residents in rural areas had typically lower vaccination and cancer screening rates out of all races tested.
One of two existing gender-neutral restrooms in Walter F. Mondale Hall is seen in the Law Library on Wednesday, Nov. 20. The Law Council recently expressed their support for implementing additional gender-neutral restrooms in the building despite some student opposition.

Law school students raise concerns over accessibility to gender-neutral bathrooms

by Emily Sizen
Published November 24, 2019
Some buildings on West Bank do not have any public gender-neutral restrooms, like the Carlson School of Management, Wilson Library and Willey Hall.
Sophomore Bradley Hartwyk works on an assignment in Walter Library on Friday, Oct. 26.

Big Ten libraries begin creating shared collection

by Niamh Coomey
Published November 24, 2019
Library leaders in the Big Ten Academic Alliance, including University of Minnesota's Wendy Lougee, outlined this goal in a statement released earlier this semester.
Jeannine Cavender-Bares discusses the effects of burning different land plots at the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve in East Bethel on Saturday, Sept. 9 2018. The center recently turned 75 years old and teaches scientists the current understanding of biodiversity and its importance. 

Art exhibit in Coffman Union highlights work at the U’s Cedar Creek

by Natalie Rademacher
Published November 24, 2019
U researchers at the reserve look at how humans are impacting ecosystems.

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