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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


University of Minnesota President Joan Gabel fields questions from the Minnesota Daily in her office on Thursday, Sept. 5.

Gabel talks UMN’s role in dealing with climate change and reconciling with University history

by Dylan Anderson
Published November 21, 2019
She also discussed Gopher football and her favorite moment after five months as president.
Students part of the Athletes Supporting Advocacy and Prevention group meet in the Bierman Athletic Building on Monday, Nov. 18. Participants have all undergone bystander training and formed the ASAP group to promote bystander intervention.

Boynton launches harassment intervention training for Greek life

by Jiang Li
Published November 21, 2019
About 200 volunteer Greek life student facilitators are informing their chapters about how to intervene in situations involving harassment.
Sean Connaughty, a University art professor, explains his proposal for adding new rice fields around Lake Hiawatha to improve water quality at the White Page gallery in South Minneapolis on Friday, Nov. 19. The lake, formerly called Rice Lake, is critical habitat for wildlife and has been deeply impaired by storm water pollution from South Minneapolis. 

Professor uses art, Indigenous knowledge to highlight local lake

by Natalie Rademacher
Published November 20, 2019
The UMN professor has collected over 6,800 pounds of trash from around Lake Hiawatha.
Hailee Schievelbein

Conversations, opinions are core to curbing climate change

by Yves De Jesus
Published November 18, 2019
UMN Extension educators are finding new ways to communicate climate change data.
Illustration by Sarah Mai

Anti-Semitic graffiti at UMN indicates larger problem

by Dylan Anderson
Published November 18, 2019
About 20 percent of Jewish students on campus reported they felt their group was respected in 2018, compared to about 42 percent in national surveys.
Professor John S. Wright, center, speaks during the Luminaries Lecture Series in Africana Studies at Northrop Auditorium on Thursday, Nov. 14.

Lecture illustrates University’s ties to slavery

by Dylan Anderson
Published November 18, 2019
The African American and African Studies Department has aspired to have the lecture series since it was founded 50 years ago.
White Coats for Black Lives members pose for a portrait outside of Malcolm Moos Health Sciences Tower on Thursday, Nov. 14. WCBL is a medical student group working to overcome racial bias in medicine. 

UMN student group enters fight to combat racism in medicine

by Jasmine Snow
Published November 18, 2019
White Coats for Black Lives aims to diversify curriculum.
Sumaya Noor, left, and Fahima Osman, right, pose for a portrait outside of the University Recreation and Wellness Center on Saturday, Nov. 16. Noor and Osman initiated a women’s only fitness project after their project discovered many Somali women do not exercise due to a lack of available spaces. 

UMN students collaborate with RecWell to pilot women-only gym space

by Farrah Mina
Published November 18, 2019
Undergraduate students collaborated with the University Recreation and Wellness Center in order to create a comfortable space for women to exercise.
A distribution tunnel dug during the construction of the original building at the beginning of the twentieth century remains beneath the Main Energy Plant on Thursday, Nov. 14.

Meet the Main Energy Plant: a hidden world reducing University emissions

by Natalie Rademacher
Published November 18, 2019
The University produces heat and electricity on campus, allowing for more creative sustainable practices.
The entrance to Positive Vibes Nutrition's new Dinkytown location as seen on Friday, Nov. 15.

Healthy shakes coming to Dinkytown

by Caitlin Anderson
Published November 18, 2019
Positive Vibes Nutrition owners say the establishment will bring more healthy options to Dinkytown.

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